The Ox-Bow Incident Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ox-Bow Incident Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why can Donald Martin not produce a bill of sale?
(a) He claims Drew told him he didn't need one.
(b) He claims to have used it to start the fire so they could keep warm.
(c) He claims to have had one but lost it.
(d) He claims Drew was in the pasture and couldn't give him one.

2. Where does Martin claim to have gotten the cattle?
(a) From Charlie Drew.
(b) From Drew Harley.
(c) From Drew Charlie.
(d) From Harley Drew.

3. What does the old man tell Tetley to confirm he couldn't have killed anyone?
(a) Mr Martin was with him the whole time.
(b) Mr. Martin won't let him have bullets in his gun.
(c) He is a Budhist and believes all life is sacred.
(d) He is afraid of guns.

4. Who does Mark claim bought the ranch from Baker?
(a) Peter Wilde.
(b) Joe Johnson.
(c) Jim Jackman.
(d) Paul Tamer.

5. What does Gerald claim he will do if they accomplish their goal?
(a) He will get blind drunk.
(b) He will sever ties with his father.
(c) He will hang himself.
(d) He will leave town for good.

6. Who is in the stage?
(a) Gil's ex-girlfriend.
(b) Spark's father.
(c) Gil's sister.
(d) Art's brother.

7. Where does Mr. Swanson come from?
(a) San Diego.
(b) Los Angeles.
(c) San Francisco.
(d) New York.

8. What does Martin request when Tetley has a tree prepared to hang them?
(a) He asks for a last meal.
(b) He asks to see his wife and children again.
(c) He asks to be allowed to write a letter.
(d) He asks for a cigarette.

9. Who does Bartlett recognize?
(a) Jesus Martinez.
(b) Francisco Morez.
(c) Donald Martin.
(d) Alvin Hartick.

10. How was Donald Martin killed?
(a) He fell off a ledge to his death.
(b) He was shot.
(c) He was hung.
(d) He was stabbed.

11. What is the name of Art's horse?
(a) Blue Boy.
(b) Billy Bob.
(c) Red Rob.
(d) Blue Ribbon.

12. What does Art do that earns him the ire of one of the group?
(a) Talk too loudly.
(b) Starts a small campfire.
(c) Lights a cigarette.
(d) Sings hymns with Spark.

13. What does Gerald Tetley tell Art is the reason that man is now hunting man?
(a) To help their fellow man.
(b) To exact revenge.
(c) To feel a sense of superiority.
(d) The rest no longer excites men.

14. What suggestion is made that almost has Tetley and Gil coming to blows?
(a) That Gil is the one responsible for Kinkaid's death.
(b) That Tetley is eager to kill someone.
(c) The suggestion that Gil has lost his stomach for the hanging.
(d) That Tetley just wants his son to experience death.

15. Who refutes Donald's claim regarding bill of sale?
(a) Drew's sister in law.
(b) Drew's wife.
(c) Drew's brother.
(d) Drew's foreman.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many head of cattle does Amigo claim to have seen?

2. Which group waits for the others to get into position before approaching?

3. Why does Donald Martin claim to have Drew's cows?

4. What song does Art begin humming to himself?

5. Who appoints himself as their leader?

(see the answer keys)

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