The Ox-Bow Incident Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ox-Bow Incident Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the rest of the men suggest to Farnley instead?
(a) That he wait for a posse to be formed.
(b) That he remain until the killer is apprehended.
(c) That he rethink his decision to leave.
(d) That he wait for a new partner to be hired.

2. What does Art suggest that Gil do?
(a) Buy Farnley a drink.
(b) Return the money he won from Farnley.
(c) Sleep it off.
(d) Play Farnley again and let him win.

3. What does Gil soon get into?
(a) A bottle of whiskey.
(b) A room with a call girl.
(c) A game of pool.
(d) A game of poker.

4. What kind of gun does Tetley carry?
(a) A pearl handled colt.
(b) A 357 Magnum.
(c) A .38
(d) A lever action rifle.

5. Who is the first to become unconscious as a result?
(a) Gil.
(b) Art.
(c) Farnley.
(d) Canby.

6. Why is Bridger's Wells, Nevada almost a ghost town?
(a) The town is too far from everywhere.
(b) The stage no longer stops there.
(c) The town has no sheriff.
(d) The railroad quit.

7. What kind of horse does Tetley ride?
(a) A mule.
(b) An Arab.
(c) A Belgian.
(d) A Palomino.

8. What happens when the change of game does nothing to change anyone's luck?
(a) Accusations of cheating follow.
(b) They decide to play pool instead.
(c) Gil buys a round for the house.
(d) Art gets Gil to go to the hotel.

9. What does Art suggest Gil do?
(a) Go back inside for a fresh drink.
(b) Go back inside and resume his game.
(c) Return the last hand he won to Farnley.
(d) Return the money he won from Farnley.

10. Who did Ma dislike based mostly on his profession?
(a) Osgood.
(b) Gil.
(c) Canby.
(d) Mapes.

11. Who wants to change the kind of poker they are playing in the hopes of changing his luck?
(a) Gil.
(b) Canby.
(c) Farnley.
(d) Art.

12. What does Mapes do before everyone leaves?
(a) Deputizes them.
(b) Hands out ammunition.
(c) Outlines the plan of action.
(d) Assures them he is in charge.

13. How many sons does Bartlett bring with him?
(a) Four.
(b) Two.
(c) Three.
(d) One.

14. What are the riders offered after they discover Greene is only the messenger?
(a) A free meal.
(b) To be kept in the loop.
(c) Two free drinks and lodgings over night.
(d) Clean bedrolls.

15. Who becomes upset with Gil at the poker table?
(a) Farnley.
(b) Art.
(c) Gil.
(d) Canby.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who owns the local saloon where they first stop in?

2. Where was the man shot?

3. How many people arrive with Tetley?

4. What city do Gil Carter and Art Croft return to after the long winter?

5. What does Farnley threaten to do if the men aren't ready soon?

(see the answer keys)

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