The Modigliani Scandal Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Modigliani Scandal Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With what does Dee wipe the dust off of the paintings?
(a) A sash she found on the floor.
(b) A handkerchief the priest gave her.
(c) The shirt she wore under her dress.
(d) Her underwear.

2. When Julian arrives home after seeing Jack Best at the office, what does he find Sarah has done most of the day?
(a) Clean.
(b) Watch the gardener.
(c) Drink.
(d) Read.

3. What style of paintings does Lampeth sell at his gallery that make him a rich man?
(a) Classical.
(b) Expressionism.
(c) Impressionists.
(d) Cubism.

4. Why is there a party that Tom, Samantha and Joe attend?
(a) It is a farewell party for Samantha.
(b) Julian's art gallery is opening.
(c) A new film with one of Joe's clients has just been released.
(d) A Japanese banker wants to invest in the British film industry.

5. How much does Peter plan on making from the scam?
(a) A few thousand.
(b) One million.
(c) A hundred thousand.
(d) A half a million.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Peter Usher go to see Mr. Dixon about?

2. How does Julian blackmail Sarah?

3. What does Tom explain away to Samantha about his past?

4. What do Mad Mitch, Peter and Anne all do together in Peter's house?

5. What does Dee go to the proprietor's apartment for?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Peter go to work at Meunier's?

2. What will Anne's role be in the forgery scam?

3. The opening of Julian's gallery is much tougher than he expected. How is Julian in need before he even opens the doors and what does he do about it? How does he fare in his quest?

4. What does Julian find when he returns home from selling Sarah's car, and how does he use it to his advantage?

5. Whose names does Mitch use to set up the bank accounts he and Peter will need? Why does he choose these names?

6. How is mystery set up almost immediately?

7. Why does Lord Cardwell have to sell his collection of art?

8. What party do Samantha and Tom attend and what crucial event happens there?

9. What news does Samantha give the reporter James Whitewood that startles him? What does he do with the information?

10. Who are Charles Lampeth and Lord Cardwell? What is their relationship to each other?

(see the answer keys)

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