The Modigliani Scandal Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Modigliani Scandal Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has Mad Mitch set up for his and Peter's scam?
(a) A newspaper ad.
(b) A bank account.
(c) A gallery that will buy their paintings.
(d) A studio for painting.

2. What part does Anne play in the scam?
(a) She is giving the men food and drink.
(b) She is watching for any visitors.
(c) She is coaching Peter and Mitch.
(d) She is writing letters.

3. Who gives Lipsey the name of the city that Dee and Mike went to to find the Modigliani?
(a) The rabbi in Livorno.
(b) The young priest in Livorno.
(c) The proprietor in Livorno.
(d) The wife of the proprietor in Livorno.

4. How does Lipsey get the address of where Dee is staying in Livorno?
(a) He gets an impression off of a paper using a pencil.
(b) It is on a pad on Dee's nightstand.
(c) The landlady gives it to him.
(d) It is hanging on Dee's refrigerator.

5. For what does Peter go to Meunier's ?
(a) A painting to copy.
(b) Advice.
(c) Financial help.
(d) Part-time work.

Short Answer Questions

1. What three items does Lipsey have to begin his investigation?

2. What does Tom say that he and Samantha should do with Lord Caldwell's art collection?

3. What do the assistants wear at the Belgrave Art Gallery?

4. What publication does Jack Best work for?

5. How does Julian blackmail Sarah?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who are Charles Lampeth and Lord Cardwell? What is their relationship to each other?

2. How is mystery set up almost immediately?

3. What is the basic plan in forging the masterpieces as set up in the beginning of "Part II Chapter V"?

4. How does Lipsey fail in getting information from the old man who knew Modigliani and who had given information to Dee?

5. What happens to Peter after the incident at Belgraves?

6. What information does the rabbi give Dee that will help her further her search?

7. The opening of Julian's gallery is much tougher than he expected. How is Julian in need before he even opens the doors and what does he do about it? How does he fare in his quest?

8. How does the reader know right away that Tom is going to be trouble for Samantha?

9. What point does Samantha attempt to make about the movies she has made and the movies that she wants to make?

10. Why does Peter Usher become so upset with Charles Lampeth at the reception?

(see the answer keys)

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