The Jugurthine War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jugurthine War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Catiline tell the Senate he is going because of the accusations against him?
(a) Istanbul.
(b) France.
(c) Spain.
(d) Africa.

2. How does Catiline prepare his soldiers for battle?
(a) By placing them in rows with shields.
(b) With a meeting about tactics.
(c) By passing out food and water.
(d) With a speech.

3. What does Cathegus think is the best way to forward the conspiracy?
(a) Immediate action.
(b) Kill the entire Senate.
(c) Follow Catiline to France.
(d) Work covertly behind the scenes.

4. According to Sallust, why did men join the army in the early days of Rome?
(a) To earn renown as a hero.
(b) To support their country.
(c) To earn better money.
(d) To impress the women.

5. How does Catiline finally die?
(a) He dies of old age.
(b) He is killed fighting on the front.
(c) He kills himself.
(d) He is killed by Achilles.

6. What does Catiline plan to do eventually in Rome?
(a) Conquer it.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Be elected emperor.
(d) Burn it.

7. What does Catiline do when he realizes he is overpowered?
(a) He surrenders his army.
(b) He charges to the front.
(c) He kills himself.
(d) He slips away to France.

8. Why did Sallust become a writer?
(a) He wanted to stir up the people.
(b) He wanted to make Catiline famous.
(c) He did not want to waste his life.
(d) He was too old to do anything else.

9. Where does Cicero work?
(a) The solicitation Consul's house.
(b) In the merchants' section of Rome.
(c) The Senate building.
(d) At the Roman Court.

10. What does Sallust think a reader of history believes?
(a) History is generally boring.
(b) It is completely accurate.
(c) It is always censored.
(d) It is written with a bias.

11. What does Catiline say he will do if he is head of the government?
(a) End slavery.
(b) Lower taxes.
(c) End debt and the greed of the wealthy.
(d) Create a new empire.

12. What does he tell his followers to carry at all times?
(a) Weapons.
(b) Carrier pigeons.
(c) Food and water.
(d) Letters from him.

13. Who names Marcus Crassus as a conspirator?
(a) Catiline.
(b) Cato.
(c) Cicero.
(d) Tarquinious.

14. What does Catiline mix for his followers to drink?
(a) Wine and human blood.
(b) Tea and sugar.
(c) Wine and water.
(d) Beer and water.

15. Why is there a public voting for another consul?
(a) Cicero found out about the meeting.
(b) The higher consuls were upset about the war.
(c) Some of the people were horrified about drinking human blood.
(d) Curius tells his girlfriend about the meeting.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Curius' final role in the situation with Catiline?

2. Where is Volturcius arrested?

3. Who is told about Catiline's plans for Cicero?

4. How do the people in the Senate feel towards Catiline when he enters the Senate?

5. What did Lucius Sylla to with the army?

(see the answer keys)

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