The Discourses Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Discourses Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book Three, The Examples of Rome's Great Men, Reform, Security, and the Elimination of Rivals, On Conspiracies, The Need of Adaptation to Environment.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kinds of men are frowned upon in corrupt Republics?
(a) Common men.
(b) Vocal men.
(c) Excellent men.
(d) Scribes.

2. What are the five types of government identified by Machiavelli?
(a) Tyranny, constitutional, military oligarchy, principality, and democracy.
(b) Republic, fascistic, democracy, principality, and oligarchy.
(c) Monarchy, aristocracy, democracy, oligarchy, and anarchy.
(d) Democracy, anarchy, monarchy, constitutional, and institutional.

3. According to Machiavelli, what type of people seek what office to cause a city to become corrupt?
(a) The working poor seek to become plebes.
(b) Generals seek to become senators.
(c) The rich and powerful, rather than the virtuous, seek to become judges (magistrates).
(d) Weak and dependent people seek to become senators.

4. Why does Machiavelli recommend that those who want to reform a city should retain the appearance of the institutions they want to reform?
(a) Because keeping the appearance of those institutions helps to hide the true agenda of the Prince.
(b) Because keeping the appearance of those institutions helps to keep important advisers within the circle of government.
(c) Because keeping the appearance of those institutions assures a smooth transition of power.
(d) Because the general masses are satisfied with appearances and are moved by things as they appear rather than by the way they operate (perception is reality).

5. What does Machiavelli consider to be the means of someone rising from the bottom to gain a great fortune?
(a) Diligence and humility.
(b) Hard work and creativity.
(c) Force and fraud.
(d) Deceit and self preservation.

Short Answer Questions

1. Considering Machiavelli's praise for the example of how Nobles manipulated the opportunity for Plebes to select their peers for positions of influence, who is the clear intended audience of "The Discourses"?

2. What does Machiavelli claim causes unity in a Republic?

3. Of what should Princes be most ashamed in Machiavelli's view?

4. How does Machiavelli suggest that Princes and other leaders deal with acts that offend their citizens?

5. What does "Crescit interea Roma Albae ruinis" mean?

(see the answer key)

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