The Castle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Castle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does K. say about his loyalty to Frieda?
(a) That it doesn't matter whether he was unfaithful.
(b) That she doesn't deserve to know whether he was faithful.
(c) That he was never unfaithful.
(d) That she is horrid to challenge his faithfulness.

2. What is Erlanger doing when K. first sees him?
(a) Writing.
(b) Reading.
(c) Sleeping.
(d) Talking on the phone.

3. What does Erlanger ask from K.?
(a) That K. stop seeing Barnabas's family.
(b) That Jeremias return to the Castle.
(c) That Frieda return to her post.
(d) That K. leave the town.

4. What did the father do when the family's money ran out?
(a) He started staying at home, not bathing, and pacing all day.
(b) He started trying to organize a revolt against the Castle.
(c) He camped out in front of the Castle gates.
(d) He started writing angry letters to the Castle.

5. How was Amalia's father punished for her disobedience?
(a) He was ignored by all his coworkers.
(b) He was demoted.
(c) He was given extra work to do every night.
(d) His diploma was taken away.

6. What does K. take when he leaves Olga's house?
(a) A heavy vase.
(b) A willow switch.
(c) A knife.
(d) A rock.

7. What does K. say about the schoolteacher scolding him?
(a) That he will soon revenge the schoolteacher.
(b) That he is pleased that the schoolteacher is mad at him.
(c) That he is deeply upset by it.
(d) That it does not affect him.

8. Who has saved K.'s job as janitor?
(a) Hans.
(b) Klamm.
(c) The chairman.
(d) The schoolteacher.

9. How effective is bribing Castle officials?
(a) Effective, if the bribe is large enough.
(b) Effective, if the bribe is given to the right official.
(c) Ineffective and usually resulting in criminal prosecution.
(d) Ineffective but tolerated.

10. Where does the letter-writer want to meet K.?
(a) In the Gentlemen's Inn.
(b) At the Castle gates.
(c) At the schoolhouse.
(d) At the Bridge Inn.

11. What is Frieda doing when K. returns to the schoolhouse in Chapter XV?
(a) Telling stories to the children.
(b) Mopping the floors.
(c) Bathing a cat.
(d) Sorting the library books.

12. Does Frieda come back to K. at the end of Chapter XXII?
(a) No, she stays with Jeremias.
(b) Yes, but she continues to see Jeremias.
(c) Yes, she leaves Jeremias for K.
(d) No, she leaves both K. and Jeremias.

13. What is Frieda doing when K. sees her at the Gentlemen's Inn?
(a) Cleaning the rooms.
(b) Carrying baggage for the guests.
(c) Serving drinks in the taproom.
(d) Cleaning tables in the taproom.

14. Which of Barnabas's siblings is at the house when K. arrives?
(a) Both Amelia and Olga.
(b) Olga.
(c) Amelia.
(d) Neither Amelia nor Olga.

15. Who is Galater?
(a) Klamm's new secretary.
(b) Klamm's boss.
(c) Klamm's uncle.
(d) Klamm's substitute.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do the letters Barnabas delivers come from?

2. Who does Olga believe is the source of their misfortune?

3. How long does Barnabas have to wait for the letters he delivers?

4. What does K. say about his plan in dealing with Hans?

5. Where does Olga make the contacts that eventually get Barnabas his job with the Castle?

(see the answer keys)

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