The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did King initially call for a halt to the bombing of North Vietnam?
(a) 21 May 1966.
(b) 10 January 1966.
(c) 16 February 1965.
(d) 12 August 1965.

2. President Kennedy called Coretta Scott King and expressed concern for her husband on what date?
(a) 15 April 1963.
(b) 14 April 1963.
(c) 13 April 1963.
(d) 12 April 1963.

3. James Meredith, who was wounded by a sniper during his "March Against Fear" on 6 June 1966, integrated which institution in 1962?
(a) The University of Southern Mississippi.
(b) The Mississippi State University.
(c) The University of Mississippi.
(d) The University of Alabama.

4. Why did King respond to the eight clergymen when he rarely did so as it would leave him little time for "constructive" work?
(a) Since he was incarcerated, he had time to respond and felt hey would listen.
(b) He felt they were sincere and he wanted to answer in patient terms.
(c) Since they were all clergy he felt they would listen to his response.
(d) As fellow clergy he felt they would listen to his response reasonably.

5. What did King organize with Chicago's Mayor R. Daley and others on 26 August 1967?
(a) The Desegregation Agreement.
(b) The Amicability Agreement.
(c) The Summit Agreement.
(d) The Nonviolence Agreement.

Short Answer Questions

1. King said one had to get one's heart right with God, and while not having attained the highest peak or realized all one's dreams, he did what?

2. King sought as his legacy justice, he was good to both the oppressed and the poor, and strove to do right even when he was what?

3. How did King respond to President Kennedy's having called Coretta over Easter weekend?

4. The movement entered what area of Los Angeles which was occupied by the National Guard?

5. King noted that Mahatma Gandhi labored for many years without his people being independent, and he died from what?

Short Essay Questions

1. In his letter from the Birmingham Jail, how did King address the eight ministers who questioned direct action?

2. Why did King and Abernathy leave jail in Birmingham?

3. What were points King stipulated as to why he opposed the war in Vietnam?

4. What was King's opinion about frustration and aggression?

5. How did King describe Birmingham's Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth?

6. What prompted King to visit Watts immediately following the riots despite being warned not to go there?

7. What did King stipulate about being jailed in Selma, Alabama?

8. Just shy of a year before he was assassinated, what point did King indicate had been reached?

9. What reason did King give for his opting to work in Chicago in 1966?

10. In the final chapter, what was it King recalled about his stabbing recovery?

(see the answer keys)

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