The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. An integrated dinner on 27 January 1965 that honored King was held where?
(a) In New York.
(b) In Atlanta.
(c) In St. Augustine.
(d) In Birmingham.

2. The movement entered what area of Los Angeles which was occupied by the National Guard?
(a) Westside.
(b) Watts.
(c) Wilshire.
(d) Hollywood.

3. More than how many youngsters were arrested in the Birmingham "Children's Crusade" between 2-7 May 1963?
(a) Over 250.
(b) Over 100.
(c) Over 1,000.
(d) Over 500.

4. On what day was Viola Gregg Liuzzo killed by Klan members as she drove marchers back from a 4-day march from Selma to Montgomery?
(a) 20 March 1965.
(b) 30 March 1965.
(c) 25 March 1965.
(d) 15 March 1965.

5. What did the violence in Los Angeles achieve?
(a) An increase in white understanding.
(b) Heightened white compassion.
(c) The escalation of white empathy.
(d) The hardening of white resistance.

6. King noted that the 1964 election afforded the civil rights, labor, religious, and intellectual leaders alliance what within a year?
(a) Their fourth major victory.
(b) Their first major victory.
(c) Their third major victory.
(d) Their second major victory.

7. King argued that opposing violence was pragmatic for what reason?
(a) Because violence was humane.
(b) Because violence was inhumane.
(c) Because violence would create a backlash.
(d) Because violence was not Christian.

8. King stipulated there was an opportunity to use massive nonviolent action as a means to escape national disaster and achieve what during the Poor People's Campaign?
(a) A new spirit of class and racial harmony.
(b) A new spirit of cooperation and racial calm.
(c) A new spirit of manhood and racial harmony.
(d) A new spirit of dignity and peace.

9. On 18 March 1968, King spoke before which striking labor group in Memphis?
(a) American Federation of Labor.
(b) Industrial Assemblers Union.
(c) Sanitation workers.
(d) Harvest workers.

10. On 26 July 1965 King led a march on Chicago City Hall and spoke before a rally sponsored by which organization?
(a) Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).
(b) Chicago's Coordination Council of Community Organizations (CCCO).
(c) Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).
(d) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

11. On which television program on the evening of 29 May 1966 did King urge an end to the bombing in Vietnam?
(a) Face the Nation.
(b) The Johnny Carson Show.
(c) The Huntley-Brinkley Report.
(d) CBS News with Walter Cronkite.

12. King felt he could not conclude an account of the 6 weeks of protests in Birmingham without recognizing support which came from where?
(a) Around the South.
(b) Around the world.
(c) Around Alabama.
(d) Around the country.

13. How many speeches did King give in Memphis in March, 1968, about aid to government employees and against antipoverty policies?
(a) 21.
(b) 5.
(c) 1.
(d) Dozens.

14. What was the purpose of King's 13-point written instructions from jail in Selma, Alabama, to movement associates in February, 1965?
(a) To awaken Selma blacks' perspectives about the right to vote.
(b) To achieve the most success from peaceful demonstrations.
(c) To keep national attention focused on Selma.
(d) To register as many Selma blacks to vote as possible.

15. Where was the Black Power slogan born?
(a) Greenwood, Mississippi.
(b) Greenville, Mississippi.
(c) Grenada, Mississippi.
(d) Gulfport, Mississippi.

Short Answer Questions

1. Racial rioting between 12-14 July 1967 on Chicago's West Side resulted in what?

2. Why was the Black Power political phrase viewed as hypocritical?

3. How did King indicate protesters approaching Washington would arrive?

4. President Kennedy called Coretta Scott King and expressed concern for her husband on what date?

5. Although he and Malcolm X did not always see eye-to-eye as to methods, King stipulated Malcolm X had the great ability to do what?

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