The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who were William Jennings Bryan's constituents?
(a) The frontiersmen of the West.
(b) The farming people of the West and South.
(c) The wealthy elite of the Northeast.
(d) The industrialists of the North.

2. Which country did Franklin Roosevelt assist at the beginning of World War II?
(a) Italy.
(b) Germany.
(c) Great Britain.
(d) Spain.

3. With which political party was William Jennings Bryan associated?
(a) The Progressive Party.
(b) The Republican Party.
(c) The Democratic Party.
(d) The Libertarian Party.

4. How does Hofstadter view Grover Cleveland's presidency?
(a) He was the greatest politician of the late 19th century.
(b) He was the worst politician of the late 19th century.
(c) His economic theories were far beyond his time.
(d) He led the country to become a world power.

5. What criticism did Franklin Roosevelt have of Herbert Hoover while campaigning for president?
(a) Hoover drank too much.
(b) Hoover's foreign policies would start another war.
(c) Hoover did not truly care for American citizens.
(d) Hoover spent too much.

6. Where did Woodrow Wilson train to be a politician?
(a) In the courtroom.
(b) Harvard University.
(c) Johns Hopkins University.
(d) Yale University.

7. What problem did deflation cause during the Gilded Age?
(a) Investors saw poor returns on their investments.
(b) The price of goods rose as wages remained constant.
(c) Industrial expansion came to a standstill.
(d) Indebted farmers saw their debts increase.

8. What position did Franklin Roosevelt hold in Woodrow Wilson's cabinet?
(a) Attorney General.
(b) Secretary of War.
(c) Secretary of State.
(d) Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

9. What policy did Woodrow Wilson create to promote partnerships between government and corporations?
(a) A New Day.
(b) The Corporate Act.
(c) The New Deal.
(d) New Freedom.

10. Which country did Woodrow Wilson support at the onset of World War I?
(a) Germany.
(b) France.
(c) Italy.
(d) Great Britain.

11. With which political party is Woodrow Wilson associated?
(a) The Libertarian Party.
(b) The Democratic Party.
(c) The Republican Party.
(d) The Progressive Party.

12. How does Hofstadter describe Grover Cleveland's economic policies?
(a) Corporate capitalism.
(b) Laissez-faire capitalism.
(c) Mercantile.
(d) Socialist.

13. Which scientific theory became popular during the Gilded Age?
(a) The Theory of Quantum Mechanics.
(b) The Big Bang Theory.
(c) Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
(d) Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

14. In which famous trial did William Jennings Bryan argue against the teaching of evolution?
(a) The Lindbergh Trial.
(b) The Scopes Trial.
(c) The Nuremberg Trial.
(d) The Arbuckle Trial.

15. Which political party dominated the political arena after the Civil War?
(a) The Libertarian Party.
(b) The Progressive Party.
(c) The Democratic Party.
(d) The Republican Party.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Hofstadter, which politician represented the interests of those who survived Reconstruction in the South?

2. How does Hofstadter describe Herbert Hoover's economic policies?

3. How did the Great Depression affect Herbert Hoover's political career?

4. How does Hofstadter view Franklin Roosevelt?

5. How does Hofstadter characterize American culture in the late nineteenth century?

(see the answer keys)

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