The Agricola; and the Germania; Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Agricola; and the Germania; Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Despite a quiet retirement, why did many ask Agricola to return to duty?
(a) Tacitus actively promoted the idea to everyone.
(b) He was the only one who kept Domitian in line.
(c) He was charming and convincing with the enemy.
(d) The other generals were failures.

2. According to Mattingly, what belief lies in "The Agricola"?
(a) The origin of white man's burden.
(b) Moderation.
(c) Roman destiny.
(d) Pure races.

3. How did Agricola's successes become so famous?
(a) Through Tacitus' writings.
(b) The number of archaelogical evidence of his forts.
(c) Via Domitian's excessive praise.
(d) Trajan wrote a famous eulogy.

4. How did Agricola take advantage of his first victory?
(a) He took the majority of the spoils.
(b) He did not.
(c) He took a promotion.
(d) He asked for a parade.

5. Agricola called on whose help to equalize the sword fighting skills of the British?
(a) The cavalry.
(b) The Praetorian Guards.
(c) The Gauls.
(d) The Batavians and Tungrians.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was ruling the Roman Empire when Gallic tribes revolted against Rome and proclaimed their own empire?

2. What did Agricola do in his first year that helped Britain appreciate peace more?

3. How did Domitian receive news of Agricola's successes?

4. What was one way a non-native established Roman citizenship?

5. Tired of Roman rule, under whom did the British unit to revolt while Paulinus was in Britain?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Tacitus show bits of Roman life in "The Germania?"

2. What are some of Mattingly's criticisms of Tacitus' works as a historian?

3. Tacitus felt what factors caused turmoil in the Roman Republic?

4. Looking at the lineage of emperors, what did Tacitus notice in regards to choosing an emperor?

5. "The Germania" is the study of what in particular? Why was Tacitus so concerned?

6. Tacitus believed what was the general custom concerning the dead in Germany?

7. What did Tacitus claim in regards to Agricola's death? What was the motivation and evidence behind the claim?

8. Describe the state of the Roman army as Tacitus believed it to be in Britain during peacetime.

9. How did Tacitus compare the German tribes' religious beliefs to each other and to the Romans?

10. When Galba undertook Roman rule, how did Tacitus describe Germany's reaction? What did this indicate about Germany's relationship with Rome?

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