The Agricola; and the Germania; Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Agricola; and the Germania; Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Without proper weapons, shelter, or horses, Tacitus described the Fenni as __________.
(a) Well content.
(b) Serene.
(c) Pathetic.
(d) Natural.

2. Although feuds between families passed on to heirs, what reconciled them?
(a) A fair duel.
(b) An arranged marriage to unite the two families.
(c) Enough cattle and sheep.
(d) Enough gold and silver.

3. Why did Agricola's mother discourage him from studying philosophy?
(a) It was too inactive.
(b) It was too pretentious.
(c) It "ate the mind."
(d) It was a poor man's study.

4. Of the following, which was one way a German became a slave among his own men?
(a) Surrendered his shield.
(b) Gambled his freedom away.
(c) Commited adultery.
(d) Lacked a kill by the age of fifteen.

5. Tacitus believed the earth was what shape?
(a) Flat.
(b) Oblong.
(c) A disc shape.
(d) Spherical.

6. Why would the Cotini be more ashamed than other tribes because they worked in the iron mines of Germany?
(a) The iron mines were considered as low of a job as a slave.
(b) It was disgraceful against the German kings to mine the iron for anyone else.
(c) Iron mines were considered base because of its disturbance to the outdoor altars.
(d) They could have used the iron to make weapons instead of tribute to the Romans.

7. What special privilege did the Hermundui have in the Roman Empire?
(a) They were allowed beyond the banks to trade inland.
(b) They were considered neutral and never attacked.
(c) They were not taxed.
(d) They were granted citizenship.

8. What custom did Chatti boys assume until they showed their worth of birth?
(a) Took their mother's name until their first war, then they were given their father's name.
(b) They shaved and showed no beard until they survived a battle.
(c) They continued to grow their hair until their first enemy kill.
(d) They worked in the home until they proved they can fight.

9. Modern knowledge shows what about Tacitus' account of German dress?
(a) Tacitus did not really talk about the German's dress.
(b) Images from reliefs and coins contradict Tacitus' account.
(c) Tacitus gave a narrow view of the varying dress between tribes.
(d) Reliefs and coins shows agreement and further evidence.

10. What did Germans fear for their women?
(a) An impoverished life.
(b) Enslavement.
(c) Starvation.
(d) Death.

11. Tacitus criticized the Germans' agriculture calendar because of what?
(a) They did not consider autumn.
(b) They could not grow wheat.
(c) They only had two seasons.
(d) They used the lunar calendar.

12. Who were the only ones allowed to decide on capital punishment, imprisonment, and flogging?
(a) Priests.
(b) Generals.
(c) Kings.
(d) Chiefs.

13. What historic figure was known to visit Germany and found the city Asciburgium?
(a) Homer.
(b) Ulysses.
(c) Virgil.
(d) Aulus.

14. German strength in fighting was best seen in their __________.
(a) Arms.
(b) Infantry.
(c) Courage.
(d) Cavalry.

15. The German peoples can be described as __________.
(a) Naive.
(b) Ostentatious.
(c) Practical.
(d) Frivolous.

Short Answer Questions

1. What were the Germans' choice of arms?

2. Who were under Roman rule but was not subjected to taxes and used only for war purposes?

3. What evidence shows Tacitus could have been wrong in claiming Domitian's triumph was a sham?

4. What was necessary for the German people to keep tabs in hierarchy?

5. The Chatti showed steady courage in warfare through what?

(see the answer keys)

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