Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On the way back to Flintcomb Ash after her journey, what does Tess overhear from a nearby church?
(a) Alec preaching.
(b) Alec giving a political speech.
(c) Pheasants gasping as they die.
(d) Nothing out of the ordinary.

2. Angel accompanies Tess part of the way home to Marlott. When they are parting at the crossroads near Marlott, what does Angel do?
(a) Promises he will come back for Tess once he's got his farm.
(b) Gives her money and tells her to contact him if she needs more.
(c) Gives Tess money and tells her to contact his parents if she needs more.
(d) Gives her a letter.

3. Angel decides to go to _______.
(a) Bahamas.
(b) British West Indies.
(c) Brazil.
(d) Belize.

4. After the murder of Alec, Tess and Angel take shelter where?
(a) Under a bridge.
(b) A vacant manor.
(c) A vacant church.
(d) A vacant cabin.

5. What does Tess decide to do as a result of what she learns from the visitor to the farm?
(a) Return to her parents' house and take care of Liza Lu.
(b) Return to her parents' house and take care of her mother.
(c) Return to her parents' house and take care of her father.
(d) Return to her parents' house and borrow money to help her parents financially.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 41, while Tess is looking for work, she receives a letter telling her about a possible job. Where?

2. In Chapter 46, who is Tess referring to when she says "He won't hurt me, he's not in love with me."

3. How does Tess kill Alec?

4. In Chapter 52, Angel returns to ____.

5. Angel finally learns that Tess is where?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the scene in which Angel is sleepwalking. What significance does this scene have?

2. In Chapter 44, why does Tess decide to go to Angel's parents, and what happens on her journey?

3. Who turns up in Flintcomb Ash with a message for Tess? What is the message?

4. In Chapter 39 what does Angel tell his parents about why Tess is not with him?

5. At Flintcomb Ash, Tess encounters a number of people from her past. Who?

6. How is Flintcomb Ash described in Chapter 42? Why does the description also fit in with Tess's attitude at this point?

7. What new disaster befalls the Durbeyfields in Chapter 49?

8. Several individuals are instrumental in changing Angel's attitude towards Tess during their estrangement. Describe what they do, and Angel's reaction to this.

9. In Chapter 40, how is Mercy Chant described?

10. What happens when Tess and Angel are at Stongehenge?

(see the answer keys)

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