Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While Tess is traveling through the woods on the journey she takes after learning that Angel asked someone else to go to Brazil with him, what does she find lying on the ground?
(a) A blood-stained cloth.
(b) A key.
(c) A blood-stained piece of butcher paper.
(d) A pair of boots.

2. What do Angel's parents read to him?
(a) A biblical passage about the imporance of marriage.
(b) A biblical passage about pre-marital sex.
(c) A biblical passage about virtue.
(d) A biblical passage about forgiveness.

3. When Tess tells Alec of Angel's visit, how does he react?
(a) He tells her it's for the best that Angel is out of her life.
(b) He slaps her.
(c) He feels sorry for her.
(d) He mocks her.

4. Who is the owner of the farm at Flintcomb Ash where Tess finds work?
(a) Farmer Grodie.
(b) Farmer Grimsby.
(c) Farmer Flint.
(d) Farmer Groby.

5. In Chapter 49, who does Tess learn has died?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her father.
(c) Angel.
(d) Mr. Crick.

6. How does Tess kill Alec?
(a) Stabs him in the back with a carving knife.
(b) Drowns him.
(c) Stabs him in the heart with a carving knife.
(d) Hits him on the head with a heavy carving.

7. To make herself unattractive, Tess _____.
(a) Cuts off her eyebrows and pretends she has a toothache.
(b) Wears old clothes.
(c) Cuts her hair and wears old clothes.
(d) Cuts off her eyebrows and her hair.

8. As Angel is preparing to leave on the train, he gets a telegram telling him what?
(a) His brother Cuthbert is marrying the Queen of Spades.
(b) His brother Felix is marrying Mercy Chant.
(c) His brother Cuthbert is marrying Mercy Chant.
(d) His brother Felix is marrying Mercy Chant.

9. Angel's parents give him a letter from Tess. In the letter she ____.
(a) Berates him for leaving her.
(b) Begs forgiveness.
(c) Tells him she is marrying Alec.
(d) Promises to do whatever is necessary to win him back.

10. In Chapter 37, what happens during the night?
(a) Angel wakes Tess and tells her he forgives her.
(b) Tess leaves the manor and Angel, and starts the journey to her parents' house.
(c) Tess wakes Angel and begs once more for forgiveness.
(d) Angel wakes Tess, wraps her in a shroud, and puts her in a coffin.

11. What does Tess find out from Marian?
(a) That Angel asked Car Darch to go away with him.
(b) That Angel asked Izz to go away with him.
(c) That Angel asked Liza Lu to go away with him.
(d) That Angel asked Rhetty to go away with him.

12. After Angel returns from Brazil, he leaves his parents' home and sets out to look for Tess. Where does he go first to look for her?
(a) Flintcomb Ash.
(b) Emminister.
(c) Kingsbere.
(d) Marlott.

13. What does Angel ask of the men who have come for Tess?
(a) To take her before she wakes up.
(b) Not to hurt her.
(c) Not to take her until she awakens.
(d) To pretend they haven't seen her.

14. When Angel and Liza Lu leave the prison, they go up on a hill above _____.
(a) Wiltonchester.
(b) Wintoncester.
(c) Winston.
(d) Tantridge.

15. When Alec appears again, in Chapter 47, he blames Tess for ____.
(a) Causing him to lose his faith.
(b) Causing a rift between him and his family.
(c) Causing him to become lazy.
(d) Driving him into missionary work.

Short Answer Questions

1. Alec prepares a surprise for Tess for after their marriage. What?

2. Angel and Tess set their wedding date for ____.

3. Angel reconsiders his attitude towards Tess and his rejection of her, when ___.

4. How long do Tess and Angel spend at the first place they take shelter?

5. What advice does Tess receive in response to the letter she has sent asking for advice about whether to tell Angel the truth?

(see the answer keys)

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