Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 48 who arrives with news for Tess?
(a) Liza Lu.
(b) Alec.
(c) Abraham.
(d) Angel's father.

2. When Tess tells Alec of Angel's visit, how does he react?
(a) He tells her it's for the best that Angel is out of her life.
(b) He feels sorry for her.
(c) He slaps her.
(d) He mocks her.

3. After the murder of Alec, Tess and Angel take shelter where?
(a) A vacant cabin.
(b) A vacant manor.
(c) A vacant church.
(d) Under a bridge.

4. Alec prepares a surprise for Tess for after their marriage. What?
(a) That he has bought a new house.
(b) That he has contacted the D'Urbervilles on her behalf.
(c) That they will honeymoon at his parents' house.
(d) That they will honeymoon at a property owned by the D'Urbervilles.

5. In Chapter 49, who does Tess learn has died?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Angel.
(c) Her father.
(d) Mr. Crick.

6. Alec offers Tess and her family lodgings at ____.
(a) His farm.
(b) Kingsbere.
(c) The D'Urberville manor house.
(d) Tantbridge.

7. Angel's parents give him a letter from Tess. In the letter she ____.
(a) Berates him for leaving her.
(b) Begs forgiveness.
(c) Promises to do whatever is necessary to win him back.
(d) Tells him she is marrying Alec.

8. In Chapter 46, who is Tess referring to when she says "He won't hurt me, he's not in love with me."
(a) Alec.
(b) Abraham.
(c) Angel.
(d) Farmer Groby.

9. Who does Angel meet at the D'Uberville manor house?
(a) Marian.
(b) Rhetty.
(c) Izz.
(d) Mercy Chant.

10. To make herself unattractive, Tess _____.
(a) Cuts her hair and wears old clothes.
(b) Cuts off her eyebrows and her hair.
(c) Wears old clothes.
(d) Cuts off her eyebrows and pretends she has a toothache.

11. When Angel and Tess finally announce their betrothal, the other dairymaids are ______.
(a) Sad, because Tess will be of a higher class than they are.
(b) Angry because Tess made an oath that she wouldn't marry.
(c) Very happy for them.
(d) Jealous.

12. On the first night of their marriage, Tess and Angel _____.
(a) Go to church.
(b) Sleep in separate rooms.
(c) Have a romantic dinner.
(d) Dance in the D'Urberville manor house.

13. Who does Tess see working the fields for her parents in Chapter 49?
(a) Angel.
(b) The parson.
(c) Abraham.
(d) Alec.

14. In Chapter 52, Angel returns to ____.
(a) Tantridge.
(b) Emminister.
(c) Kingsbere.
(d) Brazil.

15. After Tess and Angel part, and Angel returns home, his parents are curious because Tess is not with him. Angel tells his parents that he doesn't want them to meet Tess yet because she is _____.
(a) Pregnant.
(b) A liar.
(c) Not educated enough yet.
(d) Unchaste.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Tess feel when she finds herself taken into captivity?

2. When Angel and Liza Lu leave the prison, they go up on a hill above _____.

3. After their marriage, Angel makes a confession about his own past, and an incident that happened in London. What does he confess?

4. On the way back to Flintcomb Ash after her journey, what does Tess overhear from a nearby church?

5. What does Alec tell Tess in Chapter 47, when she refuses him yet again?

(see the answer keys)

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