Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On the way back to Flintcomb Ash after her journey, what does Tess overhear from a nearby church?
(a) Pheasants gasping as they die.
(b) Nothing out of the ordinary.
(c) Alec giving a political speech.
(d) Alec preaching.

2. Who is the owner of the farm at Flintcomb Ash where Tess finds work?
(a) Farmer Grimsby.
(b) Farmer Grodie.
(c) Farmer Groby.
(d) Farmer Flint.

3. Angel finally learns that Tess is where?
(a) With his parents.
(b) Tantridge.
(c) Brazil, looking for him.
(d) Sandbourne.

4. What does Tess do as a result of the altercation between Angel and the other man, in Chapter 32?
(a) Slips a letter under his door, telling him the truth.
(b) Tells Angel she doesn't want him fighting on her behalf.
(c) Asks Angel to call the police and report the other man for slander.
(d) Asks Angel if they can get married sooner.

5. In Chapter 38 Tess tells her mother that ______.
(a) Angel found out about Alec, but not from her.
(b) Angel found out about Alec, but forgave her for her past.
(c) She is going to join Angel once he's found a farm for them to live on.
(d) Alec contacted her, and she is going to work for his mother.

6. Who tells Tess about the farm at Flintcomb Ash, and that she might find work there?
(a) Mrs. Crick.
(b) Izz.
(c) Rhetty.
(d) Marian.

7. As the family is moving, they encounter ____ and ____.
(a) Alec and his father.
(b) Izz and Rhetty.
(c) Rhetty and Marian.
(d) Izz and Marian.

8. What does Tess find out from Marian?
(a) That Angel asked Car Darch to go away with him.
(b) That Angel asked Izz to go away with him.
(c) That Angel asked Liza Lu to go away with him.
(d) That Angel asked Rhetty to go away with him.

9. Who does Tess see working the fields for her parents in Chapter 49?
(a) The parson.
(b) Angel.
(c) Abraham.
(d) Alec.

10. Who does Tess learn is responsible for the change in Alec?
(a) The parson from Marlott.
(b) Her own father.
(c) Mercy Chant.
(d) No one, Alec has not changed.

11. In Chapter 37, what happens during the night?
(a) Angel wakes Tess and tells her he forgives her.
(b) Tess wakes Angel and begs once more for forgiveness.
(c) Angel wakes Tess, wraps her in a shroud, and puts her in a coffin.
(d) Tess leaves the manor and Angel, and starts the journey to her parents' house.

12. Alec wants to marry Tess because ____.
(a) He wants to right the wrong he did.
(b) He thinks she loves him.
(c) He wants to convert her to Christianity.
(d) He wants to protect her from Angel.

13. What is Tess's punishment for the murder of Alec?
(a) Death by poison.
(b) Death by hanging.
(c) Death by firing squad.
(d) She isn't punished, she escapes.

14. In the morning, after the scene in the graveyard, Tess and Angel travel to _____.
(a) Talbothays.
(b) Sandbourne.
(c) His parents' home.
(d) Marlott.

15. Alec insists Tess swear by a stone monument that she will not tempt him again. What is the monument?
(a) A stone chapel.
(b) A crucifix.
(c) A Cross.
(d) A tombstone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Angel hit another man in Chapter 33?

2. Angel receives another letter, written anonymously by whom?

3. When Alec appears again, in Chapter 47, he blames Tess for ____.

4. While Tess is traveling through the woods on the journey she takes after learning that Angel asked someone else to go to Brazil with him, what does she find lying on the ground?

5. In Chapter 52, Angel returns to ____.

(see the answer keys)

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