Small Steps Test | Final Test - Easy

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Small Steps Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Through whom does the suspect say he met Armpit?
(a) Kaira's stepfather.
(b) Kaira.
(c) Felix.
(d) Murdock.

2. What does Kaira try to guess when she and Armpit are seated?
(a) His favorite song that she sings.
(b) His nickname.
(c) His age.
(d) His zodiac sign.

3. What does Newburg ask Armpit after the suspect leaves?
(a) If Armpit and X-Ray have known each other a long time.
(b) Armpit's opinion of X-Ray.
(c) If Armpit is actually Habib.
(d) If Armpit has met X-Ray before.

4. What does the suspect lie about when questioned?
(a) Having an accomplice.
(b) Knowing Ginny.
(c) Knowing Armpit.
(d) Selling any tickets.

5. Who takes Armpit to the hotel?
(a) He walks.
(b) His mom.
(c) X-Ray.
(d) Ginny's mother lets him borrow her car.

6. Who signs Armpit's cast?
(a) Detective Newburg.
(b) No one.
(c) Kaira.
(d) His father.

7. What is X-Ray prepared to do?
(a) Leave town.
(b) Accept the consequences of his actions.
(c) Keep quiet.
(d) Come clean with Newburg.

8. What does Kaira tell Armpit about El Genius?
(a) She thinks he's skimming her profits.
(b) She thinks he's doing something illegal.
(c) She plans to fire him.
(d) He was her father's best friend.

9. How does Kaira discover Armpit is ticklish?
(a) She finds a feather on the ground and runs it across his ear.
(b) She touches him in the armpit, and he laughs.
(c) She grabs him from behind, around the ribs.
(d) She does not know he is ticklish.

10. What does Kaira say she felt when she touched his armpit?
(a) Grossed out.
(b) Nothing.
(c) All goosey.
(d) Weird.

11. What does X-Ray say to Armpit when X-Ray calls?
(a) Asks he Armpit hears from Kaira.
(b) He knows Armpit snitched on X-Ray.
(c) He wants to run another scalping scheme.
(d) X-Ray talks about being questioned by Detective Newburg.

12. How will Armpit get to where Kaira is?
(a) She will send her chauffeur to pick him up.
(b) Flying on a commercial airline.
(c) He does not know.
(d) In her private jet.

13. What does Armpit ask a man sitting next to him?
(a) About earthquakes.
(b) If he's heard of Kaira.
(c) If he knows a good way to get out of being blackmailed.
(d) Nothing.

14. Who is at Armpit's house?
(a) No one.
(b) All his friends.
(c) Reporters.
(d) The police.

15. How does El Genius get into Armpit's room?
(a) The security guard.
(b) Aileen provides a key.
(c) The maid.
(d) It adjoins Kaira's room and the door is open.

Short Answer Questions

1. What message does Kaira leave Armpit.

2. What does Armpit forget for a moment when he arrives at the hotel?

3. What is the stipulation that Armpit puts on his telling Kaira his nickname?

4. What does Felix tell Armpit?

5. What is Habib's alias?

(see the answer keys)

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