Sharpe's Battle: Richard Sharpe and the Battle of Fuentes de Onoro, May 1811 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Battle: Richard Sharpe and the Battle of Fuentes de Onoro, May 1811 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sharpe say about Kiely's suicide?
(a) The men are better off without Kiely.
(b) There are better ways to kill oneself.
(c) It was too bad it did it.
(d) He wouldn't have done it if he'd not gotten drunk.

2. Who kills Juanita?
(a) Harper.
(b) Sharpe.
(c) No one.
(d) Donaju.

3. Why is Massena frustrated with the British troops northward march?
(a) He wants to personally kill Wellington.
(b) His cavalry cannot attack them.
(c) They have taken out much of the French artillery.
(d) They block his route to Fuentes de Onoro.

4. What does Wellington need in order to win the war?
(a) Greater military intelligence.
(b) Complete cooperation of Spain.
(c) A clear cut mandate from the authorities.
(d) More troops and supplies.

5. What do Sharpe and Harper do after the battle at the village?
(a) Take baths.
(b) Go to see Wellington.
(c) Change their uniform.
(d) Get drunk.

6. What does Massena tell Loup to do when Massena's bluecoats begin to clear the skyline?
(a) To push the troops the last few feet up the sloop.
(b) To take the middle of Fuentes de Onoro.
(c) To hit the British on its northern flank.
(d) To clear the village of the dead.

7. Why have the French called an unofficial truce?
(a) To study the British position.
(b) To rest.
(c) To decide if they will attack again.
(d) To collect their dead and wounded.

8. What does Donaju ask Sharpe about Kiely's suicide?
(a) If Sharpe had heard about it.
(b) If Sharpe knew Kiely was going to do it.
(c) If Sharpe knew where Kiely had done it.
(d) If Father Sarsfield had talked to the men about it.

9. What does Sarsfield do after Hogan talks to him?
(a) Pulls out a loaded pistol.
(b) Knock him in the grave.
(c) Hit him in the face.
(d) Spit on him.

10. Who comes down from the heights to support the Scottish hit by a surprise silent attack on Fuentes de Onoro?
(a) The 307th Rifle Brigade.
(b) The Warwicks.
(c) The Highlanders.
(d) The close quarters mounted troops.

11. What does Tarrant tell Sharpe he has heard about?
(a) Sharpe's court of inquiry.
(b) How Sharpe fought in the battle.
(c) That the young lieutenant died.
(d) That Loup is dead.

12. Concerning Father Sarsfield, what have the British been trying to do?
(a) Recruit him as a double agent.
(b) Find his brother.
(c) Find him.
(d) Kill him.

13. To what staff does Tarrant belong?
(a) Administration.
(b) Tactics and strategy.
(c) Quartermaster.
(d) Artillery officer.

14. Where do some of the people from Nave de Haver flee?
(a) West.
(b) South.
(c) North.
(d) East.

15. Who wants to become Generalissimo of Spain?
(a) Valverde.
(b) Wellington.
(c) El Castrador.
(d) Count de la Phillipe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the only choice left for the British to retreat?

2. What are Sharpe and his men doing to aid the troops marching north?

3. Why are the two soldiers with Tarrant assigned to him?

4. What does Sharpe think the French will do if the French believe they are surrounded?

5. What does Hogan do on the way to Kiely's burial?

(see the answer keys)

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