Sharpe's Battle: Richard Sharpe and the Battle of Fuentes de Onoro, May 1811 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Battle: Richard Sharpe and the Battle of Fuentes de Onoro, May 1811 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what does Donaju complain to Sharpe?
(a) Having to guard the ammunition.
(b) Having the men's muskets taken from them.
(c) Having to take over command.
(d) Not being able to attend Kiely's burial.

2. To what staff does Tarrant belong?
(a) Tactics and strategy.
(b) Administration.
(c) Quartermaster.
(d) Artillery officer.

3. What does Wellington think about his decision to send part of his army south?
(a) He should have sent them east.
(b) It is brilliant planning.
(c) It is a mistake.
(d) It could go either right or wrong.

4. Where does Sharpe find Juanita de Elia in San Cristobal?
(a) In the mayor's basement.
(b) In the bath house.
(c) In the stables.
(d) In a house with chimney smoke.

5. What does Sarsfield do after Hogan talks to him?
(a) Hit him in the face.
(b) Knock him in the grave.
(c) Spit on him.
(d) Pulls out a loaded pistol.

6. Why does Sharpe gasp as he is watching the battle with Wellington?
(a) He sees the grey wolf banner.
(b) He sees some of his greencoats being ambushed.
(c) He sees the young lieutenant overrun.
(d) He sees Juanita.

7. Why has Massena given Loup the orders he gave?
(a) To give Loup an opportunity for glory.
(b) In hopes that Loup will be killed.
(c) To save his men for the final push.
(d) To keep him out of battle.

8. What did Hogan know about Juanita?
(a) She was an undercover British agent.
(b) She was not distributing the newspapers.
(c) She was sleeping with Sharpe.
(d) She was not working with Ducos.

9. What was Hogan's response to Sharpe's comment about Sarsfield?
(a) He disagrees with Sharpe.
(b) He laughs at Sharpe.
(c) He argues with Sharpe.
(d) He agrees with Sharpe.

10. What does Sharpe tell Donaju to do?
(a) Get an ammunition wagon ready to go.
(b) Pull the Real Compañía Irlandesa back from the heights.
(c) Ready the Real Compañía Irlandesa for battle.
(d) Have some of the greencoats go help the ones being ambushed.

11. What does Wellington tell Sharpe as Sharpe is leaving?
(a) The prisoners were war criminals.
(b) They don't shoot prisoners so the French won't either.
(c) He is still on administrative leave.
(d) He has to get the ammunition to the left flank.

12. What does Sharpe explain to Tarrant?
(a) Morality.
(b) That Juanita had carried the false newspapers.
(c) Politics.
(d) How the French attacked the village.

13. What is the only choice left for the British to retreat?
(a) There are no choices for retreat.
(b) Going through a heavy growth forest.
(c) Taking Almeida.
(d) A narrow bridge.

14. What does Hogan tell Sharpe about Sharpe's change in status?
(a) Sharpe will be attached permanently to the Real Compañía Irlandesa.
(b) Wellington is demoting Sharpe back to enlisted.
(c) Sharpe is being court-martialed.
(d) Sharpe is on administrative duties.

15. What does Hogan do on the way to Kiely's burial?
(a) Have Harper hide behind a wall near the grave.
(b) Get Father Sarsfield to do the burial.
(c) Stop and have a drink.
(d) Pull Sharpe aside.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Massena react towards the split British army?

2. What are Sharpe and his riflemen doing when they are moving south?

3. Who comes down from the heights to support the Scottish hit by a surprise silent attack on Fuentes de Onoro?

4. Why is Sharpe feeling bitter and defeated after the first battle at the village?

5. Why have the French called an unofficial truce?

(see the answer keys)

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