The Richest Man in Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

George Samuel Clason
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Richest Man in Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

George Samuel Clason
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the lesson of the second story?
(a) Collect collateral for loans.
(b) Be greedy.
(c) Learn to accept gifts.
(d) Recognize the benefit of being a moneylender.

2. What happens when Dabasir takes a beautiful wife?
(a) He dies.
(b) She diets.
(c) He tries to provide her with all the things she desires.
(d) He wants to leave her almost immediately.

3. When Dabasir is caught doing illegal things, what happens to him?
(a) He stays in prison for a long time.
(b) He runs away from the town.
(c) He is made the slave of the Syrian chief.
(d) He meets a new wife.

4. What does Megiddo tell others to do?
(a) Leave when it gets dark.
(b) Start saving their money.
(c) Work hard to avoid being beaten to death.
(d) Sit around and conserve their energy.

5. Who does Sharru Nada approach in order to become his slave?
(a) A basket maker.
(b) A minister.
(c) A potter.
(d) A baker.

6. With whom does Dabasir take up?
(a) A band of thieves.
(b) Bansir.
(c) Moneylenders.
(d) Tax collectors.

7. Why did Babylon endure for centuries?
(a) The army was really strong.
(b) Because it was fully protected.
(c) Luck.
(d) It wasn't attacked often.

8. Who else comes to join the caravan?
(a) A stray camel.
(b) Three farmers.
(c) Two soliders.
(d) No one.

9. Who is the recipient of the letter?
(a) Alfred Shrewsbury.
(b) Dabasir.
(c) Bansir.
(d) Professor Franklin Caldwell.

10. Who scoffs at the way that the farmers are plowing?
(a) Mathon.
(b) Megiddo.
(c) Arkad.
(d) Rodan.

11. Who has just been given 50 pieces of gold?
(a) Rodan.
(b) Bansir.
(c) Fobbi.
(d) Arad.

12. What does the third tablet include?
(a) Plans for Dabasir's new home.
(b) A family tree.
(c) The story of Rodan.
(d) How Dabasir met with his debtors.

13. How much does Dabasir have at the end of 3 months' time?
(a) 21 gold pieces.
(b) 5 gold pieces.
(c) 8 gold pieces.
(d) 10 gold pieces.

14. How much should Rodan loan to his sister's husband?
(a) 3 gold pieces.
(b) 2 gold pieces.
(c) All he has.
(d) 1 gold piece.

15. Who gave the gold pieces?
(a) Arkad.
(b) Bansir.
(c) The king.
(d) Arad.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of gates were at the front of Babylon?

2. What is the lesson of the chapter?

3. Who works as a slave for a rug merchant?

4. Why does this person scoff at the farmers?

5. Who wrote the five clay tablets mentioned in the letter?

(see the answer keys)

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