Notes from the Underground Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Notes from the Underground Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a troglodyte?
(a) Hermit.
(b) A man in pain.
(c) The will of man.
(d) Gentleman.

2. What type of death does the writer say would be a delight?
(a) A martyr's death.
(b) A majestic death.
(c) A publicized death.
(d) A quiet death.

3. What would a content man do to rebel against the laws of nature?
(a) Defy the laws.
(b) Seek vengeance against the laws.
(c) Create chaos.
(d) Yield to the laws.

4. In Part 1 Chapter 8, the writer talks about a mathematical formula for what human characteristic?
(a) Self control.
(b) Kindness.
(c) Human desire.
(d) Revenge.

5. What fundamental law does the writer say governs this dilemma of change?
(a) The laws of nature.
(b) The law of heightened consciousness.
(c) The law of gravity.
(d) The law of change.

6. While the writer admits that spite may not provide a valid reason for revenge, why does he then say this might occur?
(a) Because spite is a chemical decomposition.
(b) The laws of nature rule out spite as a primary cause.
(c) He is tired of acting out of spite.
(d) He cannot blame anyone.

7. What does the writer state is the only purpose of intelligent people?
(a) To think.
(b) To chatter.
(c) To fine primary causes.
(d) To define laws.

8. What type of things does a man do when he is unsure of his true interests?
(a) Spontaneous things.
(b) Honorable things.
(c) Vile things.
(d) Unproductive things.

9. The writer describes a man who knew every thing about Chateau-Lafite. How does the writer say this man dies?
(a) A lonely man.
(b) Peacefully.
(c) With a triumphant conscience.
(d) With regrets.

10. What does the writer suggest is the result of these feelings about the wall?
(a) Relief.
(b) Agony.
(c) Pain.
(d) Happiness.

11. In Part 1, what does the writer state is his profession?
(a) Civil Servant.
(b) Doctor.
(c) Thief.
(d) Accountant.

12. How does the writer define desire?
(a) A justification to do wrong.
(b) As a manifestation of life.
(c) A law of nature.
(d) An unwillfull act of man.

13. Who does the writer say would not understand the feelings of men about their decisions?
(a) The weak and weary.
(b) Those who have never been slapped.
(c) Men of action.
(d) The strong willed.

14. What is the human characteristic based on?
(a) Love.
(b) Mistakes.
(c) Revenge.
(d) Laws of nature.

15. The writer refers back to his discussion on revenge. What does he say is the primary cause of revenge?
(a) Selfishness.
(b) Peace.
(c) Justice.
(d) The rights of man.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part I, Chapter 1, what does the writer say about himself?

2. How does the writer feel his life would be if he lived as a man of action?

3. What do others say about the writer's discussion of himself?

4. The writer describes himself in many ways. By the end of Part 1, Chapter 2, he compares himself to a hunchback, and gives himself what character trait?

5. What does the writer say all men must accept?

(see the answer keys)

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