Mother Night Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mother Night Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes the Holy Grail to disappear in the narrator's play?
(a) Christ appears to the maiden and claims it as his rightful possession.
(b) The maiden and the knight have impure thoughts.
(c) The maiden secretly hides it in the Ark of the Covenant.
(d) The black knight steals it.

2. What is the Blue Fairy Godmother's response to the narrator's concerns that his parents knew he was broadcasting Nazi propaganda?
(a) The mission was more important than the peace of mind of two old people.
(b) His parents were secretly pro-Nazi and were very proud of their son.
(c) They received a call from President Roosevelt explaining the situation, but were sworn to secrecy.
(d) They were both too senile to really understand what was happening.

3. What does the narrator mean when he says, "alles kaput"?
(a) His reaction when he returns to his home to find it completely ransacked.
(b) When he is arrested and knows he will be turned over to Israeli agents.
(c) His gun misfires and he knows it will never work again.
(d) Wirtanen's revelation has wiped away his illusions of a friend, a mistress, and a dream.

4. In a note, what does the garbage collector, Lazlo Szombathy, claim he knew how to do?
(a) Cure cancer.
(b) Speak Japanese.
(c) Bring about world peace.
(d) Play golf.

5. What does the narrator call Werner von Braun?
(a) The George Washington of Science.
(b) An Albert Einstein wannabe.
(c) The Thomas Jefferson of the Space Age.
(d) The Abraham Lincoln of Physics.

6. How long is the narrator kept under arrest after the raid?
(a) Twenty-four hours.
(b) Three days.
(c) Less than an hour.
(d) Two hours.

7. For what "crime" was Stepan Bodovskov arrested, tried, and shot?
(a) Plagiarism.
(b) Obscenity.
(c) Capitalism.
(d) Originality.

8. Where was the narrator NOT taken after his beating?
(a) Abraham Epstein's apartment.
(b) Lionel Jones' cellar.
(c) The hospital.
(d) The police station.

9. How does the narrator regard the old trunk?
(a) A coffin of the young man he would never be again.
(b) A time capsule of life before the war.
(c) A nice place for a family of rats to set up housekeeping.
(d) A treasure chest filled with possibilities.

10. The narrator tells Helga he wants to get a bed like their old one that . . .
(a) Could fold up into the wall.
(b) Had a headboard like an Italian sunset.
(c) Was stuffed with goose down.
(d) Provided really good back support.

11. What characteristics do all the guardsmen at Krapptauer's memorial have in common?
(a) They are all blond and over six feet tall.
(b) They are all left-handed.
(c) They are all wearing sweatshirts from Ivy League schools.
(d) They are all senior citizens.

12. According to the narrator, what is the only part of a pig that is not used at the Chicago Stockyards?
(a) The hooves.
(b) The tail.
(c) The squeal.
(d) The brain.

13. What does Wirtanen tell the narrator that George Kraft had planned to do to him?
(a) Kidnap him from Mexico and take him to Russia.
(b) Leave him all his worldly possessions.
(c) Kill him and tell the media the job was done by Israeli assassins.
(d) Steal Resi from him.

14. After the raid and being released from arrest, with whom does the narrator have a conversation as he is entering his building?
(a) A patrolman.
(b) The Blue Fairy Godmother.
(c) Dr. Epstein.
(d) Ralph.

15. What interesting fact does Frank Wirtanen tell the narrator about the people who fed him information for the radio broadcasts?
(a) They all survived the war.
(b) They were all women.
(c) They were all high school students.
(d) They were all Jewish.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Helga claim she located the trunk filled with many of the narrator's things?

2. The narrator is upset when he finds out that Armistice Day had been changed to . . .

3. How do the schoolteacher's children behave in the bomb shelter?

4. After the narrator is released from arrest after the raid, what does he say he no longer has that kept him moving through "so many dead and pointless years"?

5. What do the narrator and Resi find drawn in blue ink on his mailbox namecard?

(see the answer keys)

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