Mother Night Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mother Night Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes the Holy Grail to disappear in the narrator's play?
(a) The black knight steals it.
(b) The maiden secretly hides it in the Ark of the Covenant.
(c) The maiden and the knight have impure thoughts.
(d) Christ appears to the maiden and claims it as his rightful possession.

2. What does the G-man tell George Kraft to be sure to take with him to prison?
(a) A pen and paper to write his story.
(b) Plenty to read.
(c) A cake with a file in it.
(d) His paintbox.

3. The narrator tells Helga he wants to get a bed like their old one that . . .
(a) Was stuffed with goose down.
(b) Could fold up into the wall.
(c) Provided really good back support.
(d) Had a headboard like an Italian sunset.

4. What does the patrolman say has the potential to end crime, war, divorce, child abuse, and several other social ills?
(a) Religion.
(b) Psychology.
(c) Extraterrestrial beings.
(d) Chemicals.

5. What is the "booty" that the narrator and Frank Wirtanen discuss?
(a) The trunk filled with the narrator's writings.
(b) Lionel Jones' stash of weapons and ammunition.
(c) A part of Resi's body.
(d) George Kraft's paintings.

6. What "gift" does Frank Wirtanen say that the narrator and George Kraft have in common?
(a) They can live in any country anywhere and it would not matter because one place is as good as another.
(b) They are creative.
(c) The things they did during the war don't bother them now.
(d) They can be many things at once and all sincerely.

7. In a note, what does the garbage collector, Lazlo Szombathy, claim he knew how to do?
(a) Speak Japanese.
(b) Bring about world peace.
(c) Play golf.
(d) Cure cancer.

8. Which of the following is NOT a place the narrator met with the Blue Fairy Godmother?
(a) In his New York apartment.
(b) In a dining hall in Wiesbaden.
(c) A vacant shop across the street from Lionel Jones' house.
(d) On a park bench in the Tiergarten in Berlin.

9. When the narrator asks Adolf Eichmann if he felt that he was guilty of murdering six million Jews, Eichmann replies:
(a) Absolutely not.
(b) They had it coming.
(c) Jews aren't people, so it wasn't exactly murder.
(d) You are as guilty as I am.

10. What is the Blue Fairy Godmother's response to the narrator's concerns that his parents knew he was broadcasting Nazi propaganda?
(a) They received a call from President Roosevelt explaining the situation, but were sworn to secrecy.
(b) They were both too senile to really understand what was happening.
(c) His parents were secretly pro-Nazi and were very proud of their son.
(d) The mission was more important than the peace of mind of two old people.

11. When the narrator is recovering from the beating, where does George Kraft speculate that he, Resi, and the narrator would go?
(a) Australia.
(b) The tropics.
(c) Siberia.
(d) Alaska.

12. What becomes of the rope that was given to the narrator?
(a) A garbage collector uses it to commit suicide.
(b) Resi uses it to tie up the narrator's attacker until the police arrive.
(c) Dr. Epstein uses it to make a tourniquet on the narrator's injured leg to keep him from bleeding to death.
(d) The narrator uses it to tie their new mattress to the top of a car.

13. What are Resi, Father Keeley, and the Black Fuehrer doing when the narrator returns from his meeting with Frank Wirtanen?
(a) Preparing for their trip to Mexico.
(b) Talking to the police.
(c) Playing cards.
(d) Organizing a search party.

14. How does the narrator describe the sound of the bombs dropping as he and Helga are sitting in the bomb shelter?
(a) Like they are dropping a set of 500 lb. weights.
(b) Like they are walking.
(c) Like a racecar engine revving.
(d) Like they are jumping off a diving board.

15. What is the main reason the Iron Guard boys have their mothers alter their suits instead of going to a tailor?
(a) It is the only way women are allowed to participate in the group.
(b) The families cannot afford tailors.
(c) Most tailors (according to Jones) are Jews.
(d) The group has a strong "do-it-yourself" ethic.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Wirtanen think the Russians would do to get the narrator to cooperate?

2. What does the man in the bar say is the answer to Communism?

3. What does the narrator call Werner von Braun?

4. As the narrator recovers in Lionel Jones' basement, what does Resi tell the narrator Jones has arranged?

5. What is Helga's present to the narrator when they are reunited?

(see the answer keys)

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