Lenin's Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire Test | Final Test - Easy

David Remnick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lenin's Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire Test | Final Test - Easy

David Remnick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sport was popular in the Soviet Union in the seventies?
(a) Football.
(b) Soccer.
(c) Baseball.
(d) Basketball.

2. What was General Antonovich Volkogonov assigned to write by the hard-liners in 1990?
(a) A history of the Bolshevik Revolution.
(b) A new official history of the Soviet Union.
(c) A biography of Stalin.
(d) A biography of Stalin.

3. Where did Stalin have his prison camps?
(a) Sakhalin Island.
(b) Ukraine.
(c) Siberia.
(d) Kolyma.

4. What book project got Volkogonov demoted to the Institute of Military History?
(a) A book about Khrushchev.
(b) A history of World War II.
(c) A history of the czars.
(d) A book about Stalin.

5. Who was known as the intellectual architect of perestroika?
(a) Novikov.
(b) Gorbachev.
(c) Yakovlev.
(d) Brezhnev.

6. Who wrote "How Can We Revitalize Russia" published September 18, 1990, in "Komsomolskaya Pravda"?
(a) Solzhenitsyn.
(b) Dostoevsky.
(c) Herzen.
(d) Sokolov.

7. What young Party leader in Southern Russia did Yakovlev help protect in the 1970s?
(a) Brezhnev.
(b) Borosov.
(c) Swoboda.
(d) Gorbachev.

8. What was the first major monument to victims of the regime?
(a) A replica of a prison barracks.
(b) A statue of Solzhenitsyn.
(c) A plaque on Lubyanka Square.
(d) A stone from Solovki.

9. Who came from Iowa to coach baseball?
(a) Richard Spooner.
(b) Alex Pryor.
(c) David Kauffman.
(d) Bob Protexter.

10. Who was a video healer who appeared on state television?
(a) Obolensky.
(b) Arbatov.
(c) Kashpirovsky.
(d) Rasputin.

11. What were the chiefs of the KGB and Interior Ministry police telling Gorbachev in 1991?
(a) That the workers should receive the concessions they were requesting.
(b) That the workers would shut down the country.
(c) That the workers were armed.
(d) That the workers were planning to storm the Kremlin.

12. What did Pugo's men do during Bush's visit to the Soviet Union?
(a) Instituted martial law.
(b) Rounded up editors of dissident newspapers and imprisoned them.
(c) Stationed tanks in Latvia.
(d) Slaughtered eight Lithuanian border police.

13. For what amount of time was the May Day parade in Moscow calm and uneventful?
(a) 30 minutes.
(b) 10 minutes.
(c) Two hours.
(d) An hour.

14. How did some miners get to their work stations in Sinegorsk?
(a) Down broad stairwells.
(b) Down twisting, dangerous steps.
(c) Sliding and creeping along stone.
(d) On elevators.

15. How did the Baltic republics win their independence?
(a) Intervention from the West.
(b) Stubornness.
(c) Violence.
(d) Execution of Party leaders.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did democratic leader Anatoly Sobchak have a picture of Lenin in his office?

2. What did the battle over the draft for a new history book represent to Yazov?

3. Who did the people elect as president in June 1991?

4. Who became president of Czechoslovakia?

5. How much would foreign television stations have had to pay for a videotape of Sakharov's last days?

(see the answer keys)

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