Jacob's Ladder: A Story of Virginia During the War Test | Final Test - Medium

Donald McCaig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jacob's Ladder: A Story of Virginia During the War Test | Final Test - Medium

Donald McCaig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which servant leaves Marguerite on the road after the incident with the Union soldiers?
(a) Kizzy.
(b) Karla.
(c) Mingo.
(d) Manny.

2. Whom does Alexander Kirkpatrick's wife hesitate to visit but eventually goes to see in Part III, Chapter 39?
(a) Jesse.
(b) Duncan.
(c) Alexander.
(d) Samuel.

3. How is Catesby killed in battle?
(a) He is shot several times in the chest.
(b) He is stabbed in the stomach.
(c) He takes his own life.
(d) He is shot in the head.

4. What does Catesby save from his holiday dinner to share with his bunkmate?
(a) A piece of cake.
(b) A piece of bacon.
(c) A piece of bread.
(d) A piece of ham.

5. What happens to the surgeon who cut off the head of a black soldier and autopsied it?
(a) He is discharged from the army for his actions.
(b) He does not get in trouble.
(c) He is sentenced to death.
(d) He is put in jail.

Short Answer Questions

1. What arrives on the train that has the men disappointed that they draw lots for?

2. How old is the newspaper that Jesse reads to his men about the Gettysburg Address?

3. What does Silas warn Marguerite about before he leaves to become a solider in the Confederate Army?

4. How does Jesse feel about giving his money to the surgeon, who says he will put it into a savings account?

5. What is the name of Silas's crew of blockade-runners?

Short Essay Questions

1. After pulling over the Danzinger family's buggy, what do the renegades order Alexander to do after they question Seth about being a spy?

2. What does the army recruiter say that convinces Jesse to join the Union army?

3. What does the girl that is interviewing Marguerite tell her she is getting continual pressure to do in Part III, Chapter 39?

4. After being captured, why are the black soldiers pleading with the Confederates to be released?

5. While traveling on their way home from a prayer meeting, what does young Seth Danzinger talk about with Alexander?

6. Why have the renegades stopped the Danzinger family and Alexander's buggy in Part IV, Chapter 44?

7. How does Marguerite take control of the situation when Mingo leaves Kizzy pregnant and distraught on the road out of Wilmington?

8. What does Duncan tell Sallie happened when the Union and Confederate troops were camped very closely to each other in Part III, Chapter 39?

9. After being captured, what does Alexander say when one of the officers asks him what happened to make him fall into this group?

10. What happens at the Appomattox Courthouse that Duncan and Thomas Byrd are present at in Part IV, Chapter 68?

(see the answer keys)

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