It Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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It Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Patricia Uris doing when Stanley gets the call from Mike?
(a) Reading a book.
(b) Sewing a button on his shirt.
(c) Cooking dinner.
(d) Working.

2. When Mike Hanlon explores the site of the Kitchener Ironworks explosion, what does he see that frightens him?
(a) A clown.
(b) A huge bird.
(c) A mummy.
(d) Ghosts.

3. Where does Bill Denbrough see a picture of Georgie winking at him?
(a) On the wall.
(b) In the newspaper.
(c) In a photo album.
(d) In a yearbook.

4. In Derry, amongst which segment of the population is the death rate highest?
(a) The homeless.
(b) The elderly.
(c) The children.
(d) The parents.

5. Why is Tom Rogan unable to rent a car on the way to Derry?
(a) He doesn't need to rent a car.
(b) He forgets his insurance.
(c) Audra, Bill's wife, rents the last one.
(d) He doesn't have a license.

6. What was decided to be the cause of death for Dorsey Cochran?
(a) Dorsey had been beaten to death with a blunt instrument.
(b) Dorsey committed suicide.
(c) Dorsey had been strangled.
(d) Dorsey overdosed.

7. Why is Ben Hanscom running from Henry Bowers the day that school lets out for the summer?
(a) He knows that Henry is mad because Ben wouldn't let him cheat.
(b) Ben is a bully and has been teasing Henry.
(c) He made Henry mad because he took part of his lunch.
(d) He is afraid that Henry will tease him for making good grades.

8. How many years after they bonded did the characters reunite in their hometown?
(a) 27.
(b) 5.
(c) 22.
(d) 10.

9. Why doesn't Stan Uris get to tell a story about what he has seen after the boys complete the dam?
(a) He begins to stutter.
(b) They are interrupted by a local beat cop.
(c) He doesn't have a story.
(d) They are interrupted by Henry Bowers.

10. What does Patricia Uris find when she checks on Stanley in the bathroom?
(a) He has passed out in the shower.
(b) He has snuck out the window.
(c) He has killed himself by slitting his wrists.
(d) He is just fine.

11. Who cannot see the blood in the drain?
(a) Stan.
(b) Beverly.
(c) Ben.
(d) Beverly's parents.

12. What does Mike Hanlon's father's friend do to save the people in the nightclub when it is set aflame?
(a) He runs inside to pull people out.
(b) He hacks a whole in the wall with an axe.
(c) He runs a truck into the building.
(d) He puts out the fire.

13. Where do the members of the Losers Club first meet up when they return to Derry as adults?
(a) A local motel.
(b) A local restaurant.
(c) The Barrens.
(d) The library.

14. What happens after Beverly Marsh returns home from the movie with Ben Hanscom and Richie Tozier?
(a) Beverly begins to hear voices in the drain.
(b) Beverly gets in trouble for going to the movies.
(c) Beverly doesn't return home.
(d) Beverly's mom is mad at her for being late.

15. Where does Adrian win his hat?
(a) At the Canal Days Festival.
(b) At the Derry Days Carnival.
(c) At the State Fair.
(d) At the school.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Richie Tozier go over the Bill Denbrough's house?

2. Why does Patricia Uris go and check on Stanley in the bathroom?

3. When did the main characters of the book first meet?

4. What does Beverly Marsh shove down the drain in her bathroom?

5. After first coming back to Derry, how much of the summer of 1958 do the members of the Losers Club remember?

(see the answer keys)

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