If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits? Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits? Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits? Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Pages 167 - 213.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to "Killing Your Mother," what was Bombeck's son carrying when he left the house?
(a) A skateboard.
(b) Rollerskates.
(c) A hockey stick.
(d) A boombox.

2. What realization did Bombeck have in "Why Can't Our Average Little Family Get Their Own TV Series?"
(a) Watching TV was not a bonding experience for her family.
(b) Her family preferred books over television.
(c) Her family was not funny.
(d) She preferred to do household chores while pretending to be in a sitcom.

3. What did Bombeck's mother ask for in "Why Can't Our Average Little Family Get Their Own TV Series?" when Bombeck puts a halt to all of the action?
(a) Bourbon.
(b) Tea.
(c) Water.
(d) Coffee.

4. To what question was "I. Dontcare" the response?
(a) Where their sibling was hiding.
(b) When their homework was due.
(c) When their friend was coming over.
(d) Whether anyone would like liver for dinner.

5. Why would Bombeck's theoretical winning contestant have been disqualified from the coat?
(a) It was last year's style.
(b) It did not match her hair.
(c) It gifted to someone else.
(d) It would not have been in her size.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Bombeck discover about her son's return to school in "Warning: Families May Be Dangerous To Your Health?"

2. In "Constitutionality of Drive-in Windows," which of the following is not one of the places Bombeck listed as examples of when to use a drive-through window?

3. In Bombeck's imagined game show scenario, what would the woman initially win?

4. For what title would Bombeck like to have nominated Lorraine Suggs?

5. In Bombeck's example of growing older with children in "When Did I Become the Mother and the Mother Become the Child?", what did the daughter do?

(see the answer key)

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