Future Shock Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Future Shock Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What caused migrations in Europe, in Toffler's account?
(a) The shift from natural to clock time.
(b) The shift from agriculture to industrial society.
(c) The expansion of the middle class.
(d) The shift from agriculture to manufacturing.

2. What animals have been used in underwater research?
(a) Shrimp.
(b) Dolphins.
(c) Cod.
(d) Squid.

3. How have careers changed in super-industrial culture?
(a) They tend to lead to promotion.
(b) They have shorter lifespans.
(c) They tend to trap people in one field.
(d) They make people specialists.

4. What will the changes of the future result in, as Toffler describes it?
(a) People not having a say in their governments.
(b) People not getting enough food.
(c) People not knowing what makes sense.
(d) People not being able to afford medical care.

5. What problem does Toffler describe for professionals in a future society?
(a) They will have more and more power in their fields.
(b) They will shrink in size as a social class.
(c) They will not be able to keep up with changes.
(d) Their industries will become obsolete.

Short Answer Questions

1. What symptom does Toffler describe as an aspect of future shock?

2. What shift does the future bring, in Toffler's account?

3. What kind of lifestyle does Toffler say is characterized by frequent moves?

4. What does Toffler say is the consequence of fast rates of change?

5. What shift will take place in the future Toffler describes?

Short Essay Questions

1. How will super-industrialism affect the family?

2. What does Toffler say is the danger of high technology?

3. What is the effect of urbanization on relationships?

4. What did migration mean in Europe and in America?

5. What does Toffler foresee in terms of exploring the ocean?

6. How does Toffler describe deeper relationships?

7. How does Toffler say commuting has affected the future society?

8. How will products and services be different in the new economy?

9. How does technology and specialization affect occupations?

10. Describe the importance of the automobile in the super-industrial society.

(see the answer keys)

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