Fools Crow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fools Crow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the white man with the pack horses see at the war lodge?
(a) He sees the war lodge is on fire.
(b) He sees a pack of wolves scavenging on something.
(c) He sees a horse tied outside.
(d) He sees smoke coming out of the chimney.

2. What punishment does Rides-at-the-door decide to impose on Kills-close-to-the-lake?
(a) She must leave before sunrise.
(b) She must not leave the lodge without permission.
(c) She will be killed at sunrise.
(d) At sunrise, she will be mutilated so she will never be attractive to another again.

3. What do Fast Horse and Owl Child do to the Napikwan wagons and oxen?
(a) They steal the wagons and oxen to carry their own supplies.
(b) They abandon the wagons and slaughter the oxen.
(c) They make a cook fire from the wagons and eat the oxen.
(d) They burn the wagons and drive away the oxen.

4. What does Running Fisher do that is a betrayal of his father?
(a) He moved out of his father's lodge.
(b) He has become the lover of Rides-at-the-door's third wife, who is one of his mothers.
(c) He became the lover of Rides-at-the-door's first wife, who is his mother.
(d) He has defied the authority his father.

5. What does Owl Child do at the ranch?
(a) Owl Child steals the white man's horses.
(b) Owl Child steals the white man's children.
(c) Owl Child rapes and kills the white man's wife.
(d) Owl Child rapes the white man's wife, but leaves her alive.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the "Medicine Line?"

2. Why won't the power help him now?

3. What happens to Fast Horse when the woman opens the door?

4. Why does Mik-api feel his recurrent dream is incomplete?

5. Who is in charge of Indian Policy for the Napikwan government?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Fools Crow help Red Paint's youngest brother conquer his fears and nightmares about the rabid wolf who bit him?

2. What is strange and incomplete about the dream Mik-api has for three nights that confuses him?

3. Describe who the man is that Fast Horse wants to kill.

4. Describe what Fools Crow sees or does not see in the water of the place he is lead to in his dream.

5. How is Yellow Kidney's body delivered back to his people?

6. What does Fast Horse find in the war lodge while Owl Child stays with the horses, and how does he know who it is?

7. Describe the devastation in the Lone Eaters camp after thirteen days of the small pox disease.

8. What happens to Yellow Kidney while he is taking shelter in the war lodge, and does he see it coming?

9. What is Fools Crow thinking and feeling as he looks at the scalp of Bull Shied?

10. What advice and hope does Feather Woman give to Fools Crow after he sees the designs on the skin come to life?

(see the answer keys)

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