Feminist Theory from Margin to Center Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Feminist Theory from Margin to Center Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 8 and 9.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the author, how are joint analyses of race, class, and gender seen today?
(a) They are mostly practiced by black intellectuals.
(b) They are still rejected by mainstream feminists as too radical.
(c) They are exclusively embraced in university settings.
(d) They are accepted by mainstream feminism as common practice.

2. What has desensitized women and men to violence in the author's view?
(a) Its use in everyday language.
(b) Their families.
(c) Its prevalence in the media.
(d) She does not feel that women have become desensitized to violence.

3. According to the author, in Chapter 1, "Black Women - Shaping Feminist Theory," what were black feminists initially trying to do in the feminist movement?
(a) To expand the basis of feminist thought.
(b) To get more work.
(c) Be more like white feminists.
(d) Make new friends.

4. What assertion does the author make (once again) about who benefits from the current feminist movement?
(a) Children will benefit, but not the current generation.
(b) She states that white middle class women stand to benefit more than anyone else.
(c) Only women will benefit from the movement.
(d) It can, and will, benefit people of both genders and all ages.

5. Related to the issue of feminist writing, between which two groups does the author notice tension in the greater feminist movement?
(a) The tension between those who are idealistic and those who are practical.
(b) The tension between those who advocate scientific analysis and those advocating political manifestos.
(c) The tension between younger and older women.
(d) The tension between those who write and discuss theories and ideas and those who engage in direct activism to support the feminist movement.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Four, what does the author give as the broad definition of "sisterhood" from the early feminist movement?

2. What did these early feminists forget to take into account in their beliefs about men?

3. According to the author, how did early feminists see gender?

4. The phrase "the problem that has no name" refers to which of the following issues?

5. The author cites Lillian Hellman's autobiography as an example of what kind of phenomenon?

(see the answer key)

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