Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Esmé Raji Codell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Esmé Raji Codell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mr. Turner object to Codell's school social committee guidelines on February 15th?
(a) Mr. Turner could tell Codell spent little time on them.
(b) The guidelines called for frequent field trips, and Mr. Turner feared the budget would balloon.
(c) Codell signed her name "Madame Esme," and Mr. Turner does not think that name is appropriate.
(d) Codell left off some of the more controversial guidelines so parents would not be alarmed.

2. Who does Codell make her "time machine" out of?
(a) A refrigerator box covered in aluminum foil.
(b) An old armoire.
(c) A large plastic tarp.
(d) Heavy curtains.

3. What film, the first classic film Codell shows, is shown in October 15?
(a) Casablanca.
(b) The Bishop's Wife.
(c) Citizen Kane.
(d) The Miracle Worker.

4. Which student becomes teacher for a day, swapping places with Codell?
(a) JoEllen.
(b) Billy Williams.
(c) Serena.
(d) Ruben.

5. Who is the first student to use the "time machine"?
(a) Billy Williams.
(b) Shira.
(c) Melanie.
(d) JoEllen.

6. Why does Codell fear that student B. B. will be chosen as the first student to use the time machine?
(a) B. B. is afraid of the dark, and using the time machine involves being in the dark.
(b) B. B. is described as a "terrible realist" who may not buy into the fantasy she's trying to create.
(c) B. B. is known for violence, and may destroy the time machine.
(d) B. B. is described as a "hopeless daydreamer," and B. B. may refuse to leave the machine once inside.

7. What kind of music do the Slick Boys use in their assembly presentation?
(a) 1990s-style new jack swing.
(b) 1950s-style doo-wop.
(c) Hip-hop.
(d) Country.

8. What does Codell notice about the new class of teachers that will be teaching along with her at the new school?
(a) There is a disproportionate amount of white, slender women in their twenties.
(b) Unlike Codell, most of the teachers are older veterans pulled from surrounding districts.
(c) There is not one man among the new teachers.
(d) Codell is one of the few white women among the new teachers.

9. How does the student Codell makes teacher for the day start the morning?
(a) The student eagerly waits at the front door, clipboard in hand.
(b) The student hides in the bathroom, not wanting to participate.
(c) The student stabs Codell with a pencil.
(d) The student tries to attack another student making fun of him or her.

10. What is the name of the mentor who inspired Codell to do her best as a teacher?
(a) Ms. Coil.
(b) Mr. Turner.
(c) Ismene Siteles.
(d) Lillia.

11. Who persuades Codell to remain a teacher after she is ready to quit on February 15th?
(a) Ms. Federman.
(b) Miss Clark.
(c) Ms. Coil.
(d) Serena.

12. What is the name of Codell's immediate supervisor at her work in Part I?
(a) Lillia.
(b) Mr. Turner.
(c) Ismene.
(d) Ms. Federman.

13. How old is Esme Codell when given a job at the public school at the start of the book?
(a) 35.
(b) 24.
(c) 19.
(d) 30.

14. What container does Codell create to allow students to symbolically rid themselves of worries?
(a) Trouble Basket.
(b) The Well of Worries.
(c) The Black Hole.
(d) The Little Brown Jug.

15. On October 29th, Codell creates an after-school club with what focus?
(a) Activities related to The Bat-Poet book.
(b) Outdoor sports.
(c) Activities related to the "Addy" series of books.
(d) The Thinking Cap, in order to "increase" everyone's intelligence.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Ms. Coil, how do teachers (besides Codell) react to her suggestions to improve the design of their classrooms?

2. What organization is established to evaluate Codell's Fairy Tale Festival proposal?

3. What is Codell's opinion of teaching about Anne Frank and concentration camps?

4. When interviewed for her first teaching job, how does Codell characterize her discipline style?

5. Who is the author of the book King Matt the First, which is chosen by Codell for read-aloud time?

(see the answer keys)

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