Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Esmé Raji Codell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Esmé Raji Codell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the mentor who inspired Codell to do her best as a teacher?
(a) Ismene Siteles.
(b) Lillia.
(c) Mr. Turner.
(d) Ms. Coil.

2. What does Codell call the subject of Science?
(a) Dr. Weird's Wonderful World.
(b) Mad Scientist Time.
(c) Chem-o-Rama.
(d) Natural Wonders.

3. What does the first student to use the "time machine" report about his or her experience?
(a) The student claims to have gone back to the Jurassic period to observe dinosaurs.
(b) The student tells about meeting Wyatt Earp and helping to rid Dodge City of criminals.
(c) The student complains that the time machine is not real.
(d) The student tells about a medieval joust they "witnessed."

4. What name does Codell choose for her students to call her?
(a) Mrs. Esme.
(b) Ms. Esme.
(c) Mrs. Raji Codell.
(d) Madame Esme.

5. How long into Codell's teacher observation time is she allowed to teach?
(a) After one month.
(b) On the first day.
(c) She is never allowed to teach, but only observe.
(d) On the second day.

6. According to Ms. Coil, how do teachers (besides Codell) react to her suggestions to improve the design of their classrooms?
(a) Teachers tell Ms. Coil, in different words, to get lost.
(b) Teachers agree with the vast majority of suggestions Ms. Coil makes.
(c) Teachers usually tell Ms.Coil they are too busy to see her, in an effort to ignore her.
(d) Teachers usually make the suggested changes without any resistance.

7. How old is Esme Codell when given a job at the public school at the start of the book?
(a) 24.
(b) 35.
(c) 19.
(d) 30.

8. What does Codell notice about the new class of teachers that will be teaching along with her at the new school?
(a) There is a disproportionate amount of white, slender women in their twenties.
(b) There is not one man among the new teachers.
(c) Codell is one of the few white women among the new teachers.
(d) Unlike Codell, most of the teachers are older veterans pulled from surrounding districts.

9. Which student becomes teacher for a day, swapping places with Codell?
(a) JoEllen.
(b) Serena.
(c) Ruben.
(d) Billy Williams.

10. What film, the first classic film Codell shows, is shown in October 15?
(a) The Miracle Worker.
(b) Casablanca.
(c) Citizen Kane.
(d) The Bishop's Wife.

11. What is Codell's true intention in using the time machine?
(a) She feels that reading is a kind of time travel.
(b) The time machine provides a "time out" for misbehaving students.
(c) Doing work alone in the time machine will make the day seem to go faster for bored students.
(d) By thinking about different years and traveling through time, students will learn math concepts.

12. According to a November 2nd entry, what does Codell do to help teach about inventors?
(a) Holds a brainstorming session in which kids think of fantastic inventions.
(b) Helps her students create a simplified cotton gin.
(c) Dresses up in a wild outfit full of accessories that have inventor stories behind them.
(d) Has the kids invent their own "better mouse trap."

13. Which student actually stabbed the substitute teacher in the back with a pencil?
(a) Serena.
(b) Esther.
(c) The students never reveal who it is.
(d) Billy Williams.

14. What is JoEllen's Native American name, as given to her in a naming ceremony?
(a) Hair that Flows like Water.
(b) Girl Who Always Gets A's.
(c) Girl with the Beautiful Lip Gloss.
(d) Madame of Mathematics.

15. Why do Codell and Mr. Turner fail to secure any donations, according to the July 28th entry?
(a) They are working off of an incorrect list of potential donors.
(b) Mr. Turner is rude to potential donors.
(c) They mistakenly try to approach businesses on a holiday when most are closed.
(d) Most of the businesses approached are poor, small, and highly unlikely donors.

Short Answer Questions

1. What gift does Codell buy for Melanie for her birthday?

2. Shira undergoes a change on December 13 when she begins dancing to which Christmas song?

3. What is the name of Codell's immediate supervisor at her work in Part I?

4. Who does Codell make her "time machine" out of?

5. What is Codell's impression of the scary story contest she holds for Halloween?

(see the answer keys)

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