Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Esmé Raji Codell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Esmé Raji Codell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Codell notice about the new class of teachers that will be teaching along with her at the new school?
(a) There is a disproportionate amount of white, slender women in their twenties.
(b) Codell is one of the few white women among the new teachers.
(c) Unlike Codell, most of the teachers are older veterans pulled from surrounding districts.
(d) There is not one man among the new teachers.

2. When an architect shows Codell her future classroom in Part I, which of the following is something Codell thinks?
(a) She wishes the classroom was on the second story for safety reasons.
(b) The classroom will be much too small for her expected number of students.
(c) She is glad her classroom is so far away from Mr. Turner's office.
(d) She does not like the "new construction" smell, preferring the unique smell of a school classroom.

3. How do older teachers react to the great effort Codell takes with preparing her classroom for the first day of school?
(a) Many emulate Codell's colorful bulletin boards.
(b) The teachers applaud Codell and reward her with a Teacher of the Month award.
(c) Most think Codell has done too much, creating an overstimulating environment.
(d) The teachers believe Codell has done an average job, and are indifferent.

4. Shira undergoes a change on December 13 when she begins dancing to which Christmas song?
(a) Silver Bells.
(b) Jingle Bell Rock.
(c) I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.
(d) White Christmas.

5. How does Codell respond to Billy Williams when the boy claims that he hates her?
(a) "Every time you say you hate me, I'm going to give you an extra homework problem."
(b) "No matter how you feel about me, I will always love you."
(c) "Every time you say that, you hurt my heart and make me sad."
(d) "I'm not crazy about you either, kid, but we have to find a way to stand one another."

6. Why does Mr. Turner object to the winner of the Addy doll during the November 5th assembly?
(a) The winner is a boy, and Mr. Turner doesn't believe boys should play with dolls.
(b) Mr. Turner does not believe the doll is appropriate in a school setting.
(c) Mr. Turner believes the winner cheated in order to win the raffle.
(d) The winner is Hispanic, and Mr. Turner believes that, since Addy is black, a black person should win.

7. Which student becomes teacher for a day, swapping places with Codell?
(a) Billy Williams.
(b) Serena.
(c) Ruben.
(d) JoEllen.

8. Which student actually stabbed the substitute teacher in the back with a pencil?
(a) The students never reveal who it is.
(b) Billy Williams.
(c) Serena.
(d) Esther.

9. What problem does Vanessa have in announcing the class' Christmas show?
(a) The announcement is too long, and she cannot memorize it.
(b) She consistently mispronounces a word in the announcement.
(c) She struggles with a severe lisp.
(d) She has extreme stage fright, and is too nervous to speak her lines.

10. What subject does the student Codell makes teacher for a day choose to make a lesson from?
(a) Monster movies.
(b) Paper airplanes.
(c) The Holocaust.
(d) Density.

11. What container does Codell create to allow students to symbolically rid themselves of worries?
(a) The Well of Worries.
(b) The Little Brown Jug.
(c) Trouble Basket.
(d) The Black Hole.

12. What is Codell's true intention in using the time machine?
(a) The time machine provides a "time out" for misbehaving students.
(b) By thinking about different years and traveling through time, students will learn math concepts.
(c) She feels that reading is a kind of time travel.
(d) Doing work alone in the time machine will make the day seem to go faster for bored students.

13. What does Codell find is particularly effective when it comes to teaching about Nazism?
(a) She decides to skip the teaching of Nazis; her class is simply too young.
(b) She chooses a well-respected history book on the subject to read aloud with the class.
(c) She compares Nazis to Ku Klux Klan members, giving the children a group they are more familiar with.
(d) She chooses to show a brief film clip of Hitler delivering a speech.

14. How does Ms. Coil criticize Codell's teaching of Native Americans.
(a) Ms. Coil believes fifth-graders are too old to dress up in Native American costumes.
(b) Codell only teaches about one tribe, and Ms. Coil prefers a broader approach.
(c) Ms. Coil is angry for not being informed about a field trip to the Native American History Museum.
(d) Ms. Coil believes having a "powwow" stereotypes Native American culture.

15. What organization is established to evaluate Codell's Fairy Tale Festival proposal?
(a) The Fairy Tale Team.
(b) Committee for Extracurricular Activities.
(c) Association of Public Librarians.
(d) The Friends of the School Library Committee.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Codell angry after she breaks up a fight between two girls on December 8th?

2. What pop culture figure does Codell use for her "best papers" bulletin board?

3. When interviewed for her first teaching job, how does Codell characterize her discipline style?

4. What does Codell tell her students about their "alphabet museum" in order to avoid potential embarrassment?

5. On the first day of school, how does Codell determine where the students will sit?

(see the answer keys)

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