Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Esmé Raji Codell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Esmé Raji Codell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II: Pages 72 through 89.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do Codell and Mr. Turner fail to secure any donations, according to the July 28th entry?
(a) They are working off of an incorrect list of potential donors.
(b) They mistakenly try to approach businesses on a holiday when most are closed.
(c) Most of the businesses approached are poor, small, and highly unlikely donors.
(d) Mr. Turner is rude to potential donors.

2. On the first day of school, how does Codell determine where the students will sit?
(a) Students take turns picking numbered apples from a bulletin board.
(b) Codell has the students choose numbered seating assignments from a hat.
(c) Students are seated in a large circle so everyone is equal.
(d) Students can choose their own seats on a first-come, first-served basis.

3. What name does Codell choose for her students to call her?
(a) Mrs. Esme.
(b) Ms. Esme.
(c) Madame Esme.
(d) Mrs. Raji Codell.

4. On December 14th, older children steal which of Codell's classroom accessories?
(a) Her roller skates.
(b) The Happy Box.
(c) The Time Machine.
(d) The Thinking Cap.

5. How does Codell eventually ensure her students do not steal books that they borrow?
(a) She informs a child's parent when the child borrows a book.
(b) She collects $10 from students for each book they borrow, as collateral.
(c) She develops an ID card system similar to a public library.
(d) She makes students leave one of their shoes to ensure they return books.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following best describes the attitude of the speaker in Codell's poem "The Custodian's Thoughts"?

2. Whose mother complains about Codell insisting on buying dictionaries for the children?

3. What does Mr. Turner initially call Codell, which frustrates her?

4. What pop culture figure does Codell use for her "best papers" bulletin board?

5. Who ultimately says "No" to Codell's proposal for the Fairy Tale Festival?

(see the answer key)

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