Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Esmé Raji Codell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Esmé Raji Codell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part I: Pages 45 through 71.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Codell initially regret asking Twanette's mother to a conference on September 30?
(a) Twanette's misbehavior only worsens after the conference.
(b) Twanette's mother promises to beat Twanette soundly so her attitude will change.
(c) Twanette's mother takes Twanette's side and blames Codell for the perceived misbehavior.
(d) Twanette's mother decides to pull Twanette from the class and change schools.

2. What does Codell tell her students about their "alphabet museum" in order to avoid potential embarrassment?
(a) The students should go home to share the museum with younger siblings or neighbors.
(b) The alphabet museum will not be shared with anyone outside the classroom.
(c) The alphabet museum will be photographed for a local newspaper article.
(d) The students are creating the alphabet museum for use by kindergartners.

3. What container does Codell create to allow students to symbolically rid themselves of worries?
(a) Trouble Basket.
(b) The Well of Worries.
(c) The Little Brown Jug.
(d) The Black Hole.

4. Why is Codell dissatisfied with the funeral service held for Ismene?
(a) It is raining hard, which Codell considers a bad omen.
(b) The service is conducted in a foreign language, and the behavior of those in attendance makes Codell nervous.
(c) The service is small, and Codell believes Ismene deserved a much larger service.
(d) Codell feels the eulogies given at the service are inadequate.

5. What about Mr. Turner's phone call habits irks Codell in the first few entries of the book?
(a) He yells into the receiver.
(b) He frequently hangs up, only to call again soon after.
(c) He speaks for very long periods on the phone.
(d) He calls very late, sometimes as late as 11:30 PM.

Short Answer Questions

1. On the first day of school, how does Codell determine where the students will sit?

2. What is Ismene's response when Codell asks her if she is married?

3. What theme does Codell choose for her students for their Christmas assembly?

4. What is the ethnic makeup of Codell's class?

5. Part I begins with a letter to potential fifth-graders written by whom?

(see the answer key)

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