Democracy in America Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Democracy in America Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The army of a democratic country is equated, by deTocqueville, to what?
(a) A separate nation.
(b) A separate arm of the government.
(c) A separate state.
(d) A separate people.

2. According to de Tocqueville, what drives the actions of every American man?
(a) Rights.
(b) Women.
(c) Privilege.
(d) Money.

3. In de Tocqueville's observations, the economic class of an individual may confer on him several privileges, but there are no _______________ attached to those privileges.
(a) Requirements.
(b) Responsibilities.
(c) Ideals.
(d) Rights.

4. What class, in America, will eventually gain the upper hand in their struggles?
(a) The poor class.
(b) The scholarly class.
(c) The aristocratic class.
(d) The working class.

5. What requires years of hard and dedicated work before yielding a profit?
(a) Writing.
(b) Scholarly works.
(c) Investment.
(d) Agriculture.

6. What did the American people write?
(a) The laws of their country.
(b) The laws governing their attitudes.
(c) The laws of interactions.
(d) The laws governing relationships.

7. According to de Tocqueville, too much emphasis on equality leads to what?
(a) Slavery.
(b) Laziness.
(c) Mediocrity.
(d) Servitude.

8. According to De Tocqueville, all Americans seek it, but do not necessarily seek it exclusively. What is it?
(a) Association.
(b) Comfort.
(c) Wealth.
(d) Material well-being.

9. Isolation increases the dangers of what?
(a) Mediocrity.
(b) Absolute power.
(c) Tyranny.
(d) A dangerous leader.

10. De Tocqueville believes that revolutions are generally the result of the people's desire to eliminate what?
(a) Excesses of the governing class.
(b) Inequalities.
(c) Restraints on liberty.
(d) Restraints on freedom.

11. Democracy counters individualism by insuring that common good is understood as what?
(a) Profiting everyone who depends on each other.
(b) Profiting everyone in the community.
(c) Profiting everyone who behaves as if he or she is free.
(d) Profiting everyone who participates in the process.

12. De Tocqueville believes that there is unlikely to be a ______________ in the United States.
(a) Great social revolution.
(b) Great moral revolution.
(c) Great economic revolution.
(d) Great political revolution.

13. What type of government does de Tocqueville say is "lurking behind every corner" for most citizens of the United States, assuming democracy failed?
(a) Monarchy.
(b) Republic.
(c) Anarchy.
(d) Aristocracy.

14. The vast majority of the American populace is too busy with _________________ to bother with a revolution.
(a) Comforts.
(b) Striving for more comforts.
(c) Daily occupations.
(d) Daily habits.

15. Who is considered a member of the aristocratic class in America?
(a) Masters of industrial wealth.
(b) Elder statesmen and their families.
(c) Masters of agricultural wealth.
(d) Old families with bloodlines to the American Revolution.

Short Answer Questions

1. Democratic countries do not want revolution or ______, in de Tocqueville's beliefs?

2. In what country is every aspect of society in constant movement?

3. Despite the huge lands, what remained a minor enterprise when de Tocqueville was observing America?

4. The tendency of people to implement equality first in the hope that freedom will follow is a what?

5. What is one of the checks and balances on the executive branch to prevent it from becoming despotic?

(see the answer keys)

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