Dark Night of the Soul Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Night of the Soul Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book II, Chapter XI, the author writes about the depth and power of what?

2. In Book II, Chapter XIII, the author states that love is felt by what?

3. In Book II, Chapter XXIII, what does the devil give the believer that stays with him disturbing the soul for a long period of time?

4. What does the soul do on the sixth step of the ladder of love, according to Book II, Chapter XX?

5. In Book II, Chapter XXI, what color represents the garment of faith?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is this unification achieved with God, according to Book II, Chapter XXIV?

2. What are the three properties the soul gains after passing the dark night, as described in Book II, Chapter XXV?

3. How does the soul speak of being happy by using the symbolism of a house in Book II, Chapter XIV?

4. What did God do with Job during the dark night that allowed the devil access to his life, as explained by the author?

5. How can a soul reach the sixth step on the secret ladder, as written in Book II, Chapter XX? What do men receive while on this step?

6. In Book II, Chapter XVIII, how does the soul move upon the spiritual ladder?

7. In Book II, Chapter XVI, why does the author say that it is necessary for man to learn to walk in the darkness?

8. In Book II, Chapter XXI, what are the colors of the disguise of the soul on the secret ladder, and what do they represent?

9. In Book II, Chapter XXIII, what does the devil know about what is happening to a soul during the dark night and what does the devil do about it?

10. Why does a soul have to wear a disguise as it ascends the secret ladder?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The length of the dark night of spirituality and how much pain a soul has to endure is different for every person. Using supporting examples, please respond with an essay to the following:

1) Why does the duration of the dark night and the amount of pain experienced by a soul vary from person to person?

2) Who has the final say in the duration and intensity of the dark night?

3) What is the fate of a soul who is chosen to have extremely intense darkness?

Essay Topic 2

There are seven points that the author describes about the understanding of divine fire. This fire is special and consumes and purifies the soul at the same time. Use supporting examples to respond to the following:

1) List at least four understandings of divine fire that St. John describes in Dark Night of the Soul.

2) How is divine fire of the soul similar to a log burning in a real fire?

3) How does the comparison of divine fire to a real fire illustrate the concept of a soul burning in purgatory?

Essay Topic 3

After completely passing through the two dark nights of spirituality, a proficient Christian is at last unified with God. St. John explains that there are three properties that the soul gains as a result of passing through the purification of the dark night. Write an essay answering the following by using supporting examples from the text:

1) What are the three properties the soul gains after being purified by the dark night?

2) Do the senses or sin affect the spirit after the dark night has passed within a person's life?

3) How does a soul become transformed by these three properties? What does that mean in a Christian's relationship with God?

(see the answer keys)

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