Dark Night of the Soul Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Night of the Soul Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The author says that the first step on the ladder is similar to the way a person acts when they are in the early stage of what?
(a) Romantic love.
(b) Heartbreak.
(c) Education.
(d) Childhood.

2. What does the author say the soul experiences, even during the dark night?
(a) The presence of God.
(b) An ascent to heaven.
(c) Peaceful rest.
(d) Salvation from sin.

3. From what does the garment of hope protect the soul, according to Book II, Chapter XXI?
(a) God's love.
(b) God's wrath.
(c) The seven deadly sins.
(d) Things of the world.

4. How many periods of trials must a soul pass through to finish going through the dark night, according to Book II, Chapter XXIV?
(a) Five.
(b) Infinite.
(c) None.
(d) Two.

5. In Book II, Chapter XVII, who is given the knowledge of the divine?
(a) Not everyone.
(b) No one.
(c) Everyone.
(d) Only priests.

6. Once a soul has received the love from God after the dark night, it will only want to do what, as described by St. John?
(a) Pray for other's forgiveness.
(b) Commit sins.
(c) Pray for forgiveness.
(d) Work for and love God.

7. What happens on the first step of the ladder, according to Book II, Chapter XIX?
(a) The soul swoons for God.
(b) The spirit battles the soul.
(c) God punishes the soul.
(d) Sin takes over the soul.

8. The author states that people can only move on the ladder when they have a feeling of what for themselves?
(a) Pride.
(b) Forgiveness.
(c) Strength.
(d) Contempt.

9. In Book II, Chapter XI, the author writes about the depth and power of what?
(a) The Spirit of God.
(b) Earthly evil.
(c) God's vengeance.
(d) Sin.

10. What is the focus of Book II, Chapter XVI?
(a) The darkness of God's love.
(b) The light of spiritual faith.
(c) The darkness in which the soul finds itself.
(d) The pressure of human peers.

11. What step of the ladder feels like heaven on earth?
(a) Fourth.
(b) First.
(c) Eighth.
(d) Ninth.

12. How many steps are on the ladder of love?
(a) A hundred.
(b) Infinite.
(c) Ten.
(d) Twenty.

13. What state does St. John say the soul is in when it has a chance to escape from bondage of the world?
(a) Apprehensive.
(b) Sad.
(c) Happy.
(d) Guilty.

14. When the souls on earth are purged, with what do they become infused, according to Book II, Chapter XII?
(a) Grace and redemption.
(b) Love and wisdom.
(c) Guilt and suffering.
(d) Freedom and pain.

15. What does the garment of charity provide for the wearer, as described by the author?
(a) A pleasing soul for God.
(b) Release from guilt.
(c) Protection from sin.
(d) Obedience to God.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book II, Chapter XVIII, what does the secret ladder assist humans in reaching?

2. In Book II, Chapter XI, the soul would miss the spiritual love and affection of what if it was to go away?

3. What happens when the soul has a more complete purging, according to the author?

4. In Book II, Chapter XII, what does the spirit of wisdom and love also affects?

5. What can the devil sense is going on during the dark night, as written in Book II, Chapter XXIII?

(see the answer keys)

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