Dark Night of the Soul Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Night of the Soul Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What example does the author use to describe divine light?
(a) Moonlight.
(b) Sunlight.
(c) Reflections.
(d) Firelight.

2. In Book II, Chapter IV, what is purged on the second night of darkness?
(a) Only the sensual part of the soul.
(b) All mortal sins.
(c) Both parts of the soul together.
(d) All unclean thoughts.

3. In Book I, Chapter X, what can people become if they do not recognize they are going through the dark night?
(a) Angry.
(b) Discouraged.
(c) Depressed.
(d) More sinful.

4. What does St. John say affects Christians in a way that they are easily swayed by their senses and see imaginary visions?
(a) Actual imperfections.
(b) Earthly pleasures.
(c) God's punishments.
(d) Spiritual luxury.

5. St. John writes that because of the goodness of God's divine wisdom, the soul actually feels as if it is being what?
(a) Abolished.
(b) Strengthened.
(c) Punished.
(d) Immortalized.

6. During the dark night according to the author, when attachments are stripped away, a Christian might feel as if what is happening?
(a) Being free and flying.
(b) Being very sick.
(c) Being burned alive.
(d) Being eaten by a huge beast.

7. What is disturbed by divine purgation, according to Book II, Chapter VIII?
(a) The power of sin.
(b) The sleep cycle.
(c) Guilt.
(d) Memory.

8. In Dark Night of the Soul, with what do slothful Christians have trouble aligning themselves?
(a) God's will.
(b) A pure heart.
(c) Hard work.
(d) Sin.

9. What does the author describe as the reason for the underlying pain of the soul in preparation with a union with God?
(a) God's demands of revenge.
(b) The payment of sin.
(c) The underlying impurity of the soul.
(d) The balance of the world.

10. How many important points are made in Book II, Chapter X, about the purification process?
(a) Twenty.
(b) Seven.
(c) Fifteen.
(d) Two.

11. In Dark Night of the Soul, what does the soul wait for in the second night of darkness?
(a) God's instructions.
(b) Inner peace.
(c) God's forgiveness.
(d) The emergence of sin.

12. As described in Book II, Chapter II, what are deeply rooted in the spirit of a person and must be removed by the purging of the soul?
(a) Habitual imperfections.
(b) The seven deadly sins.
(c) Spiritual imperfections.
(d) Mortal sin.

13. The seven deadly sins are recognized by what Christian community?
(a) The Catholic Church.
(b) The Baptist Church.
(c) The Lutheran Church.
(d) The Pentecostal Church.

14. What does the spirit of a man search for in the darkness?
(a) God.
(b) Forgiveness.
(c) His soul.
(d) His soulmate.

15. In Book II, Chapter I, what does the beginning Christian become after passing through the dark night?
(a) A proficient Christian.
(b) A baptized person.
(c) A priest.
(d) A sinless and perfect soul.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does God want to do with those who go through the most intense darkness of the dark night?

2. St. John explains that beginners who have pride become impatient with whom?

3. Gluttony is exhibited when believers go to extremes and will not stop what?

4. It is necessary for the spirit and the sensual portion of man to be separated in order for what to happen, according to Book II, Chapter III?

5. What do beginning Christians feel happens when they grow in faith and deal with suffering for God's sake, according to Book I, Chapter IX?

(see the answer keys)

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