Cruel & Unusual Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cruel & Unusual Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why are most employees unable to come to the morgue the day after Jennifer's body was found?
(a) Because they are on strike.
(b) Because someone has changed all the locks.
(c) Because of a bad snow storm.
(d) Because the paparazzi is chasing them.

2. How does Susan's sister die?
(a) She has cancer.
(b) She commits suicide.
(c) She is murdered by a serial killer.
(d) In a car accident.

3. What does Scarpetta find on her computer after Susan has gone there to lie down?
(a) Drugs.
(b) Incriminating pictures.
(c) A file she did not create.
(d) A resignation letter.

4. What does Scarpetta conclude after examining the electric chair at the prison?
(a) It was not the source of the marks on Waddell's arms.
(b) It was malfunctioning.
(c) It was the source of the marks on Waddell's arms.
(d) Someone has set it up to explode next time it is used.

5. How does Nicholas Grueman usually make Scarpetta feel?
(a) Like she is back in law school.
(b) Like she is the smartest person in the room.
(c) Like she is young and beautiful again.
(d) Like she is drunk.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lucy complain about during her time with Scarpetta?

2. Who tells Scarpetta that the police were able to lift several fingerprints from the scene where Jennifer's body was found?

3. What does Scarpetta think of the lack of abrasions on Heath's wrists?

4. What has Lucy done to Scarpetta's office without asking while Scarpetta is at work?

5. What is the name of the guard who searches Scarpetta when she goes to see where Waddell was executed?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is the prison nearly empty when Marino and Scarpetta go to investigate Waddell's execution?

2. What conclusion do Marino and Scarpetta come to regarding Jennifer's death?

3. What happened to Scarpetta's boyfriend Mark?

4. Why does Jennifer's neighbor not like her?

5. How are Scarpetta and Jennifer Deighton connected?

6. What does Marino confess to Scarpetta about his dating life while over at her house on Christmas?

7. What medical case/situation does a detective ask for Scarpetta's advice on while she is dealing with Waddell's body?

8. What reasons does Susan give Scarpetta for why she has been acting funny lately?

9. What does Trace find out about the residue on Heath's wrists?

10. What suspicious call does Scarpetta get while in the lab after Jennifer's autopsy?

(see the answer keys)

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