Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice Test | Final Test - Easy

Phillip M Hoose
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice Test | Final Test - Easy

Phillip M Hoose
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did segregationists use to arrest black leaders in Montgomery?
(a) Private detectives.
(b) An obscure anti-boycott law.
(c) Planted evidence.
(d) Crooked judges.

2. What were the charges against Parks?
(a) Disobeying a lawful order.
(b) Disorderly conduct.
(c) Disorderly conduct and violating the bus segregation laws.
(d) Violating the bus segregation laws.

3. How long did the three judges take to make their decision?
(a) Six months.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Four hours.
(d) Ten minutes.

4. What did Claudette have time to do when she was alone in Birmingham?
(a) Find a boyfriend.
(b) Contemplate her life.
(c) Study more in school.
(d) Get to know her biological parents.

5. What did the City Lines have to do in response to the boycott?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Shut down bus lines and lay off drivers.
(c) Raise the cost of a ticket.
(d) Lower fares.

6. How old was Parks at the time of her arrest?
(a) Early 70s.
(b) Early 20s.
(c) Early 40s.
(d) Late 60s.

7. Where did Claudette become a nurse?
(a) At a nursing home.
(b) A Catholic hospital.
(c) She was a home health care aide.
(d) At the Seven Day Adventist hospital.

8. Where did Claudette sit at the rally?
(a) Up on the platform next to Parks.
(b) In the very back.
(c) In the front row of the audience.
(d) She did not attend.

9. What was given as the reason for the segregation laws?
(a) It was the way it was always done.
(b) The Negroes had asked for segregation.
(c) Required for city order.
(d) Was sanctioned by God.

10. What did city officials continue to do in the summer of 1956?
(a) Appealed the court case.
(b) Reconciled with the black leaders.
(c) Assassinated the black leaders.
(d) Crushed the boycott.

11. What kind of parents were Claudette's biological mother and father?
(a) They didn't care what she did.
(b) Very strict.
(c) About average strictness.
(d) Somewhat relaxed.

12. Where did Claudette go when she left Birmingham?
(a) To her aunt's house in Louisiana.
(b) Home to Montgomery.
(c) To New York City.
(d) To Mississipi.

13. What did Claudette notice on the bus boycott?
(a) Her name was near the bottom of the list of thousands.
(b) Her name was at the top and had a star by it.
(c) Her name was left off.
(d) Her name was misspelled.

14. Who did Claudette meet at lunch at the court house?
(a) Mary Louise.
(b) Dr. King.
(c) Her cousin.
(d) Rosa Parks.

15. How many people heard Claudette speak in 2005?
(a) Two thousand.
(b) Four hundred.
(c) Two hundred.
(d) A thousand.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who gave the main speech?

2. Why was Claudette shunned having to do with her baby?

3. Why was Claudette considered a political liability at this time?

4. How did Claudette get to court?

5. How did Claudette feel when she went on the stand?

(see the answer keys)

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