Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice Test | Final Test - Easy

Phillip M Hoose
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice Test | Final Test - Easy

Phillip M Hoose
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Claudette think she did that Parks could not have done?
(a) Won the court case in Browder v. Gayle.
(b) Worked for civil rights while pregnant.
(c) Made the first step for justice.
(d) Brought many young people into the Civil Rights movement.

2. How did Claudette feel about the bus boycott?
(a) Enthusiastic.
(b) Angry.
(c) Left out.
(d) She thought it was the wrong approach.

3. How did Claudette feel at this time?
(a) Depressed and lonely.
(b) Energized.
(c) Exuberant.
(d) Angry.

4. Why was Claudette considered a political liability at this time?
(a) She was too young and they didn't want it to seem she was controlled by the NAACP.
(b) She was too timid.
(c) Her family was too well to do for the poorer blacks to relate to her.
(d) She was unmarried and pregnant.

5. What did segregationists use to arrest black leaders in Montgomery?
(a) An obscure anti-boycott law.
(b) Private detectives.
(c) Planted evidence.
(d) Crooked judges.

6. What did Gayle say about the case?
(a) The city would obey.
(b) The city would appeal.
(c) He would resign his position.
(d) The city was happy to be vindicated.

7. Why was Claudette shunned having to do with her baby?
(a) He was developmentally slow.
(b) His father was white.
(c) She refused to marry his father.
(d) He was light skinned.

8. How long did the three judges take to make their decision?
(a) Two weeks.
(b) Four hours.
(c) Six months.
(d) Ten minutes.

9. How long did Claudette stay in Birmingham?
(a) Six months.
(b) A month.
(c) Two weeks.
(d) Five days.

10. Which judge did not agree with the other two?
(a) Johnson.
(b) They all three agreed.
(c) Rives.
(d) Lynne.

11. How did Claudette finish high school?
(a) She stayed with her biological parents.
(b) She never finished school.
(c) She lived with the Abernathys.
(d) She obtained a GED.

12. Where did Claudette sit at the rally?
(a) In the front row of the audience.
(b) In the very back.
(c) She did not attend.
(d) Up on the platform next to Parks.

13. Where did Claudette become a nurse?
(a) She was a home health care aide.
(b) A Catholic hospital.
(c) At a nursing home.
(d) At the Seven Day Adventist hospital.

14. How did King characterize the kind of justice they seek?
(a) Justice that remains under the light of day.
(b) Justice that serves all humankind.
(c) Justice that rolls like a wave over the court system.
(d) Justice that runs down like water.

15. What was held the night of December 5th?
(a) Neighborhood potluck dinners.
(b) A prayer vigil.
(c) A celebratory rally.
(d) Nothing as they wanted to give the police not excuses for harrassment.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened on December 2, 1955?

2. How did Claudette feel when she went on the stand?

3. Where did Claudette's family take her?

4. What did people say about Claudette when she left Montgomery?

5. What did Claudette notice on the bus boycott?

(see the answer keys)

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