Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The arcade of piers rises how far from the foundation?
(a) One hundred feet.
(b) One hundred forty.
(c) One hundred twenty.
(d) Eighty feet.

2. As always, what interrupts most of the work for about five months?
(a) Disease.
(b) Volcanic eruptions.
(c) Earthquakes.
(d) Winter.

3. Once the mortar cures, what happens?
(a) The hurdles are removed.
(b) The stilts are removed.
(c) The centerings are removed.
(d) The framers are removed.

4. What halts construction for five months?
(a) A terrible storm.
(b) The winter.
(c) A volcanic eruption.
(d) An earthquake.

5. How did all this lumber and stone get to Chutreaux?
(a) By train through the countryside.
(b) By wagon along a dirt path.
(c) By ships sailing through the ocean.
(d) By ships sailing up the river.

6. During this time the new stonework and new in-place mortar are covered with what?
(a) Plaster.
(b) Fabric.
(c) Paint.
(d) A matting of straw and dung.

7. Pieces of cut limestone are hoisted out of the quarry. What are they cut into shape to match?
(a) The trim on the cathedral.
(b) The stones from other cathedrals.
(c) Templates.
(d) The length of the wooden timbers.

8. The chapter hires a ___________ architect named William of Planz.
(a) Scandinavian.
(b) Flemish.
(c) French.
(d) German.

9. As the new cathedral is to be enormous, the foundation is dug to what depth?
(a) Twenty feet.
(b) Ten feet.
(c) Two hundred feet.
(d) Twenty-five feet.

10. The space between piers is filled with tracery. What is tracery?
(a) A stone framework with glass windows.
(b) Cement.
(c) Insulation.
(d) Wood chips.

11. Who leads the church in Chutreaux?
(a) The President.
(b) The community.
(c) The Bishop.
(d) The King.

12. The piers of the choir of Chutreaux will be ________ feet high and six to eight feet thick.
(a) 200.
(b) 160.
(c) 180.
(d) 220.

13. How many staircases does Chutreaux have?
(a) Nine.
(b) Seven.
(c) Five.
(d) Three.

14. Who controls funds in the church in Chutreaux?
(a) The King of France.
(b) The people of Chutreaux.
(c) A group of clergymen known as the chapter.
(d) A group of master craftsmen.

15. Most importantly, the stone cutters work inside ___________.
(a) Designing the stone tracery, capitals, and sculptures.
(b) Adding mortar the the stone.
(c) Dressing stone and cutting tracery, capitals, and sculptures.
(d) Polishing the stone tracery, capitals, and sculptures.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is the answer to number 39 part of the preparation?

2. Once the design has been approved the master carpenter takes about ___________ men into the forest of Chantilly and cuts timber.

3. Many simple laborers perform heavy manual labor. Where are these individuals from?

4. As the mortar cures what does it do?

5. Where are most of these skilled workers drawn from?

(see the answer keys)

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