Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the Europeans react to Maxwell's death?
(a) They are relieved that he will no longer harrass them.
(b) They are all in mourning for several weeks.
(c) They are so angry that they stage a riot against the locals.
(d) They are outraged but not personally saddened.

2. Why does Verrall enter the Burma Military Police?
(a) He is running from the law in England.
(b) He has enormous debts to pay.
(c) He needs to escape from a woman.
(d) He has no other training or prospects.

3. How has Flory's attitude toward nature changed?
(a) He is more aware of the beauty of nature because he is in love.
(b) He is unaware of the beauty of nature because his work has distracted him.
(c) He is provoked and emboldened by the beauty of nature.
(d) He is indifferent to the beauty of nature because he is mourning the loss of Elizabeth.

4. Flory and Elizabeth's journey through the jungle is described as ______________________.
(a) a journey into their hearts.
(b) a wonderland of beauty.
(c) a relief from the heat of the day.
(d) an oppressive struggle.

5. Why do the Burmese riot outside the Club?
(a) Ellis has published an unflattering article of the Burmese.
(b) Ellis has murdered a local boy, and the Burmese want revenge.
(c) Ellis has murdered Maxwell, and the Burmese want justice.
(d) Ellis has attacked a group of local boys and the Burmese want revenge.

Short Answer Questions

1. What "sacrifice" does Mrs. Lackersteen make for Elizabeth?

2. What is the description of the mood of Chapter 17?

3. Why does Flory not kiss Elizabeth in the jungle?

4. What does Elizabeth do when Flory calls out to her?

5. The earthquake inspires what kind of feeling in the members of the Club after it is over?

Short Essay Questions

1. How has Ma Hla May's behavior changed?

2. Why might Elizabeth enjoy holding the gun?

3. What is Elizabeth's attitude toward Flory?

4. What do the two riderless ponies indicate about Verrall and Elizabeth?

5. What is the result of Ellis' confrontation with the local boys?

6. What do Ellis and Westfield plan to do in response to Maxwell's murder?

7. What is Mrs. Lackersteen's plan for Elizabeth?

8. What causes the change in Flory's mood after he visits Dr. Veraswami?

9. Who or what does Verrall despise?

10. What choice does Macgregor offer the Englishmen in regards to electing a native member of the Club?

(see the answer keys)

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