Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Ellis upset that Verrall has abused the butler?
(a) Ellis believes Verrall has no right to abuse the Club's butler as he is not a member.
(b) Ellis wants Verrall to approve of everyone in the Club.
(c) Ellis believes Verrall is part Burman, and therefore should not be admitted to the Club.
(d) Ellis feels protective of the butler.

2. When Lackersteen invites Verrall to the Club, __________________________.
(a) Verrall comes to the Club at once.
(b) Verrall comes to the Club with a native friend.
(c) Verrall declines the invitation.
(d) Verrall ignores the invitation.

3. Why do the members of the Club suddenly allow the butler into their conversation?
(a) They are afraid of his size and demeanor.
(b) He insists on being the center of attention.
(c) He is a respectable member of Burmese society.
(d) He has had many experiences with earthquakes, and they are interested in his stories.

4. Why does Flory not get to propose to Elizabeth?
(a) Elizabeth refuses to hear his offer.
(b) Flory loses his nerve because of his birthmark.
(c) Lackersteen finds them kissing outside and objects.
(d) He is interrupted twice.

5. Why does Verrall enter the Burma Military Police?
(a) He needs to escape from a woman.
(b) He has enormous debts to pay.
(c) He is running from the law in England.
(d) He has no other training or prospects.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Orwell describe the leopard?

2. Elizabeth admires Flory when she _____________________.

3. What causes the Englishmen to feel envy for Verrall?

4. Why does Ko S'la tell Flory he should not attempt to play polo?

5. Veraswami's letter informs Flory that __________________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. The description of the evening on which Elizabeth and Verrall dance sets what kind of tone for their relationship?

2. How has Ma Hla May's behavior changed?

3. How does Flory arrange to stay in town to be around Elizabeth?

4. Why does Flory's birthmark discourage him from kissing Elizabeth?

5. What is Elizabeth's attitude toward Flory?

6. What is Mrs. Lackersteen's plan for Elizabeth?

7. What has the day of shooting done for Flory and Elizabeth?

8. How does Orwell describe the leopard as it is being killed?

9. Who or what does Verrall despise?

10. What is the result of Ellis' confrontation with the local boys?

(see the answer keys)

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