Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Though Flory and Elizabeth are often alone together, they are never able to _________________.
(a) date
(b) avoid her aunt and uncle
(c) go hunting together
(d) talk intimately

2. How does Elizabeth feel when she kills a bird?
(a) Dizzy with her own power over the men
(b) Overcome by happiness
(c) Guilty
(d) Angry at herself

3. What does Verrall do during the funeral?
(a) He proposes to Elizabeth.
(b) He rides his horse on the maidan opposite the cemetary.
(c) He leaves town on the train to Mandalay.
(d) He searches out Maxwell's murderer.

4. How does Elizabeth thwarts Lackersteen's attempts at rape?
(a) Threatening to tell Mrs. Lackersteen
(b) Threatening to marray Flory
(c) Threatening to tell the police
(d) Threatening to leave at once

5. Why does Flory not recognize Elizabeth's discomfort at the bazaar?
(a) He is caught up in the noise and the crowd.
(b) He is busy buying his groceries.
(c) Elizabeth refuses to speak to him.
(d) He sees her interest in the Burmese people.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the locals carry ashore at the end of Chapter twenty-one?

2. Elizabeth's behavior at the headman's house could be described as ______________________.

3. How does U Po Kyin stand to profit from the murder?

4. Verrall's attitude toward women suggests __________________________.

5. What does the Chinese child do that upsets Elizabeth?

Short Essay Questions

1. What choice does Macgregor offer the Englishmen in regards to electing a native member of the Club?

2. What has the day of shooting done for Flory and Elizabeth?

3. What is Elizabeth's attitude toward Flory?

4. Why might Elizabeth enjoy holding the gun?

5. What do the two riderless ponies indicate about Verrall and Elizabeth?

6. What do Elizabeth's comments about the Burmese reveal about her?

7. What causes the change in Flory's mood after he visits Dr. Veraswami?

8. What do Ellis and Westfield plan to do in response to Maxwell's murder?

9. Why is Flory intimidated by Verrall?

10. Why do the Englishmen decide that Verrall is ungracious?

(see the answer keys)

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