Burmese Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burmese Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Many of Flory's early years in Burma were spent ____________________________.
(a) drinking and fighting with natives.
(b) drinking and visiting whores.
(c) saving money to send home to his parents.
(d) working around the clock.

2. Macgregor is most offended by ____________________.
(a) Ellis' use of the term 'nigger.'
(b) Ellis' drunkenness.
(c) Flory's refusal to stand up for his friend.
(d) Ellis' rude comments on his proposal.

3. What distinguishing mark does John Flory have on his body?
(a) A mole on his face
(b) A birthmark on his face
(c) A birthmark on his hand
(d) A scar on his face

4. Fighting for the English was U Po Kyin's dream so that he could ______________.
(a) defeat the weak among his own people.
(b) prove his worth to the white men.
(c) defend the queen.
(d) be a parasite upon them

5. What does Flory realize when he is forced to return to Burma?
(a) He is now more at home in Burma than in England.
(b) He hates Burma.
(c) He will not see his Father again before he dies.
(d) He could not function without his servants.

Short Answer Questions

1. Flory feels Elizabeth may be a kindred spirit because ____________________________.

2. Ellis confronts Macgregor because _______________________.

3. Ba Sein brings a copy of __________________.

4. More than anything, Flory wishes for _________________________.

5. Flory's resolve to shoot the dog results in __________________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. Among the visitors to U Po Kyin's house, which of these does he agree to see, and why?

2. How is Macgregor different from the other Europeans in the Club?

3. Why does Flory's sudden church attendance concern Ko S'la?

4. What does the interview in Westfield's office reveal about the native Burmese who work for the police?

5. Why are the English men upset over the article in the Burmese Patriot?

6. How is Veraswami's veranda described?

7. What is Ellis' complaint against the natives?

8. What kind of relationship does U Po Kyin seem to have with Ma Kin?

9. How has U Po Kyin risen to power?

10. Describe Elizabeth Lackersteen.

(see the answer keys)

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