Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Flory is convinced he is ______________________.
(a) destined to remain a bachelor.
(b) in love with Ma Hla May.
(c) in love with Mrs. Lackersteen.
(d) in love with Elizabeth.

2. Who are Francis and Samuel?
(a) Two English men from the Club.
(b) Elizabeth's uncles.
(c) Flory's servants.
(d) Two Eurasian men Flory has befriended.

3. Though Flory and Elizabeth are often alone together, they are never able to _________________.
(a) date
(b) go hunting together
(c) talk intimately
(d) avoid her aunt and uncle

4. Elizabeth understands that Flory ________________________.
(a) wants her to return with him to England.
(b) has a Burmese wife.
(c) does not find her attractive.
(d) wants her to admire the Burmese.

5. At the end of the chapter, Flory begins to believe ______________________________.
(a) Ma Hla May's behavior is influenced by someone else.
(b) Elizabeth will marry Ellis or Westfield.
(c) Ma Hla May has begun to lose her mind.
(d) Elizabeth may forgive him shortly.

6. Veraswami's letter informs Flory that __________________________.
(a) U Po Kyin continues in his exploits.
(b) U Po Kyin has apologized to him.
(c) U Po Kyin has given up his exploits.
(d) U Po Kyin has denounced Flory openly.

7. How has Flory's attitude toward nature changed?
(a) He is unaware of the beauty of nature because his work has distracted him.
(b) He is more aware of the beauty of nature because he is in love.
(c) He is provoked and emboldened by the beauty of nature.
(d) He is indifferent to the beauty of nature because he is mourning the loss of Elizabeth.

8. The earthquake inspires what kind of feeling in the members of the Club after it is over?
(a) Timidity
(b) Exuberance
(c) Bravado
(d) Terror

9. At the end of Chapter 22, what signals a change?
(a) The English have returned to their camps.
(b) The rain has finally started.
(c) The rain has finally stopped.
(d) The river has overflowed.

10. What effect does Elizabeth have on Verrall?
(a) Her beauty intimidates him and he cannot speak.
(b) Her beauty finally causes Verrall to socialize with the English.
(c) Her disdain for Burmese culture infuriates him.
(d) Elizabeth's boldness in approaching him offends him.

11. As Elizabeth and Verrall dance outside, the moon is described as _________________________.
(a) an envious goddess.
(b) a Japanese lantern.
(c) a silver orb.
(d) a sick woman creeping out of bed.

12. What does Elizabeth do when Flory calls out to her?
(a) She looks at him but does not speak.
(b) She runs to him.
(c) She ignores him.
(d) She tells Ko S'la to tell Flory not to speak to her.

13. How do the Europeans react to Maxwell's death?
(a) They are outraged but not personally saddened.
(b) They are relieved that he will no longer harrass them.
(c) They are all in mourning for several weeks.
(d) They are so angry that they stage a riot against the locals.

14. Flory and Elizabeth's journey through the jungle is described as ______________________.
(a) a relief from the heat of the day.
(b) a wonderland of beauty.
(c) a journey into their hearts.
(d) an oppressive struggle.

15. What does Verrall do during the funeral?
(a) He searches out Maxwell's murderer.
(b) He leaves town on the train to Mandalay.
(c) He rides his horse on the maidan opposite the cemetary.
(d) He proposes to Elizabeth.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of the chapter, both Flory and Elizabeth expect that ____________________________.

2. Why do the Burmese riot outside the Club?

3. Why do the members of the Club suddenly allow the butler into their conversation?

4. Flory visits Veraswami in order to _______________________________.

5. Although Verrall often offends people, ____________________________.

(see the answer keys)

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