Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Flory feel next to Verrall?
(a) Wise and experienced
(b) Young and vibrant
(c) Poor and ignorant
(d) Old and shabby

2. Why does Ko S'la tell Flory he should not attempt to play polo?
(a) He does not know the rules of the game.
(b) He will look foolish in front of Elizabeth.
(c) He is not a good rider.
(d) He is too old.

3. Elizabeth admires Flory when she _____________________.
(a) sees how he can shoot.
(b) watches him mix with the Burmese people.
(c) talks to him about art and literature.
(d) pretends he does not have a birthmark.

4. Who finally runs for help during the riot?
(a) Macgregor
(b) Verrall
(c) Flory
(d) Ellis

5. Why does Elizabeth seem more approachable to Flory that evening?
(a) She is not wearing spectacles.
(b) She wears her hair down.
(c) She is less inhibited when she is drunk.
(d) She starts to embrace Burmese culture.

6. Verrall's attitude toward women suggests __________________________.
(a) he is only interested in marriage to a wealthy English woman.
(b) he is capable of tenderness and emtional intimacy.
(c) he is not interested in marriage.
(d) he is ready to change for the right woman.

7. What does U Po Kyin's plan finally cause Ma Kin to feel?
(a) Contempt
(b) Envy
(c) Ambition
(d) Joy

8. Elizabeth understands that Flory ________________________.
(a) does not find her attractive.
(b) has a Burmese wife.
(c) wants her to admire the Burmese.
(d) wants her to return with him to England.

9. Why do Mrs. Lackersteen and Elizabeth rush to the train station?
(a) They have heard that Lackersteen is returning from camp.
(b) They have heard that the trains are not running in the rain.
(c) They have heard that Verrall is leaving without saying goodbye.
(d) They have heard that Verrall is arriving from Mandalay.

10. At the end of the chapter, Flory begins to believe ______________________________.
(a) Ma Hla May's behavior is influenced by someone else.
(b) Ma Hla May has begun to lose her mind.
(c) Elizabeth will marry Ellis or Westfield.
(d) Elizabeth may forgive him shortly.

11. Although Elizabeth and Verrall ride together frequently, __________________________________.
(a) they are not attracted to one another.
(b) they are no more or less intimate than they were in the beginning.
(c) they are no closer to finding a romantic attachment.
(d) they are not concerned about marriage.

12. What causes Mrs. Lackersteen to lecture Elizabeth on being "cheap?"
(a) Verrall has made no motions to marry Elizabeth even though they have had an affair.
(b) Verrall has given Elizabeth money on many occasions.
(c) Verrall has mentioned he plans to marry Elizabeth only if her family is wealthy.,
(d) Verrall has refused to give Elizabeth money when she has asked for it.

13. Why do the members of the Club suddenly allow the butler into their conversation?
(a) He insists on being the center of attention.
(b) They are afraid of his size and demeanor.
(c) He has had many experiences with earthquakes, and they are interested in his stories.
(d) He is a respectable member of Burmese society.

14. At the end of Chapter 22, what signals a change?
(a) The rain has finally started.
(b) The river has overflowed.
(c) The rain has finally stopped.
(d) The English have returned to their camps.

15. Why do the Burmese riot outside the Club?
(a) Ellis has murdered Maxwell, and the Burmese want justice.
(b) Ellis has murdered a local boy, and the Burmese want revenge.
(c) Ellis has published an unflattering article of the Burmese.
(d) Ellis has attacked a group of local boys and the Burmese want revenge.

Short Answer Questions

1. How has Flory's attitude toward nature changed?

2. Why does Flory not recognize Elizabeth's discomfort at the bazaar?

3. Why does Verrall enter the Burma Military Police?

4. Why does Flory not kiss Elizabeth in the jungle?

5. Verrall's face is described as _____________________.

(see the answer keys)

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