Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the locals carry ashore at the end of Chapter twenty-one?
(a) Verrall's body
(b) Westfield's body
(c) Ellis' body
(d) Maxwell's body

2. How does Lackersteen justify his drinking and philandering?
(a) He believes he is still respectable because he is loyal.
(b) He believes he has been given an unfair burden and needs an outlet.
(c) He believes he as the right to do as he pleases.
(d) He believes he is still respectable because he is white.

3. What is the description of the mood of Chapter 17?
(a) Tense
(b) Joyous
(c) Tender
(d) Frightening

4. What causes Mrs. Lackersteen to lecture Elizabeth on being "cheap?"
(a) Verrall has refused to give Elizabeth money when she has asked for it.
(b) Verrall has made no motions to marry Elizabeth even though they have had an affair.
(c) Verrall has mentioned he plans to marry Elizabeth only if her family is wealthy.,
(d) Verrall has given Elizabeth money on many occasions.

5. Why does Ko S'la tell Flory he should not attempt to play polo?
(a) He is not a good rider.
(b) He does not know the rules of the game.
(c) He is too old.
(d) He will look foolish in front of Elizabeth.

6. What does Flory do when he learns the truth about Elizabeth's affair with Verrall?
(a) Gets drunk and confronts Elizabeth
(b) Leaves immediately for the camp
(c) Leaves immediately for England
(d) Gets drunk and engages a Burmese prostitute

7. At the end of Chapter 22, what signals a change?
(a) The English have returned to their camps.
(b) The river has overflowed.
(c) The rain has finally started.
(d) The rain has finally stopped.

8. Elizabeth is most excited when she learns ____________________________.
(a) she may be able to hunt a dog.
(b) she may be able to hunt a leopard.
(c) Flory wants her to return to the headman's house.
(d) Flory plans to propose to her at the Club later.

9. Why does Flory not get to propose to Elizabeth?
(a) Elizabeth refuses to hear his offer.
(b) He is interrupted twice.
(c) Flory loses his nerve because of his birthmark.
(d) Lackersteen finds them kissing outside and objects.

10. What does Elizabeth enjoy during the canoe trip to the shooting party?
(a) Shooting at birds
(b) Watching the scenery go by
(c) Carrying on a conversation with the Burman canoe-man
(d) Carrying the gun in her lap

11. Whose arrival alarms Mrs. Lackersteen and Elizabeth?
(a) Flory's replacement
(b) Verrall's replacement
(c) Verrall's debt collectors
(d) Verrall's wife

12. What does Mrs. Lackersteen plan to do at the end of Chapter 23?
(a) Invite Verrall to dinner in order to question him about marriage
(b) Invite Flory to dinner in order to court Elizabeth again
(c) Invite Flory to dinner in order to let him down gently
(d) Invite Macgregor to dinner in order to court Elizabeth

13. Why does Flory not kiss Elizabeth in the jungle?
(a) He does not want her to see him as a lover.
(b) He suddenly becomes aware of his birthmark.
(c) He fears the Burmese men will catch them.
(d) He suddenly realizes she is indifferent toward him.

14. What does Elizabeth do when Flory calls out to her?
(a) She ignores him.
(b) She tells Ko S'la to tell Flory not to speak to her.
(c) She looks at him but does not speak.
(d) She runs to him.

15. What causes the Englishmen to feel envy for Verrall?
(a) Verrall has a spotless reputation with officers and creditors.
(b) Verrall is extremely wealthy.
(c) Verrall dances with Elizabeth at the Club.
(d) Verrall is destined for a happy marriage.

Short Answer Questions

1. How has Flory's attitude toward nature changed?

2. Why does Elizabeth seem more approachable to Flory that evening?

3. Though Flory and Elizabeth are often alone together, they are never able to _________________.

4. How does Flory feel next to Verrall?

5. What ruins Flory's plan to deliver the leopard skin to Elizabeth?

(see the answer keys)

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