Burmese Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burmese Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. U Po Kyin's meal is described as ______________________.
(a) joyous, lengthy and celebratory.
(b) swift, passionate and enormous.
(c) sparse, lonely and bland.
(d) short, light and fresh.

2. What distinguishing mark does John Flory have on his body?
(a) A birthmark on his face
(b) A scar on his face
(c) A mole on his face
(d) A birthmark on his hand

3. Flory reveals what attitude toward Macgregor?
(a) He acts as though Macgregor does not exist.
(b) He acts contemptuously toward Macgregor.
(c) He acts respectfully toward Macgregor but feels contempt for him.
(d) He acts respectfully toward Macgregor because he looks up to him.

4. After the argument, the men occupy their time by ______________________.
(a) arguing about sports
(b) reading up on world events
(c) trading jokes
(d) discussing the European women in town

5. The two things Flory becomes as a result of his harassed childhood are _________________________.
(a) a liar and a boxer.
(b) a liar and a footballer.
(c) a traveller and a salesman.
(d) a friend to the unfortunate.

6. Flory landed in Burma because ________________________________.
(a) his parents brought him over on vacation.
(b) his parents bought him a position at a firm.
(c) his parents demanded he get a job or leave the house.
(d) his parents believed he could not survive in England.

7. The village girl that visits that morning claims ____________________________.
(a) that she has a newspaper article U Po Kyin will want to see.
(b) that U Po Kyin is the father of her child.
(c) that she does not have enough bribe money.
(d) that she is U Po Kyin's daughter.

8. What surprises Flory about Elizabeth?
(a) Her unwillingness to go to the pwe.
(b) Her confession that she has come to seek a husband.
(c) Her admiration of Burma and its culture.
(d) Her willingness to accompany him outside the Club.

9. Flory's attitude toward his mistress is ____________________________.
(a) a mixture of love and respect.
(b) a mixture of tolerance and disgust.
(c) a mixture of delight and anticipation.
(d) a mixture of fear and excitement.

10. Why does Flory let the distraction remain?
(a) He is too drunk to aim properly at the dog.
(b) He feels he deserves the punishment.
(c) He wants Flo to have a companion.
(d) He does not have the nerve to shoot the dog.

11. What does Lackersteen almost reveal about Ma Hla May?
(a) That she refuses to do laundry.
(b) That she is Flory's mistress.
(c) That she is jealous of Elizabeth.
(d) That she is Burmese.

12. What distinguishes Kyauktada from other Burmese towns?
(a) It has a railway terminus.
(b) It is hotter than other towns.
(c) It has a social club.
(d) It is bigger than other towns.

13. During Flory's time in Burma, he has grown ___________________________.
(a) homesick for England.
(b) tired of the Burmese.
(c) uncomfortable with his friendship with the doctor.
(d) jaded and resentful of the English.

14. Who objects most strongly to Macgregor's notice about admitting non-whites to the Club?
(a) Mr. Ellis
(b) Mr. Flory
(c) Mr. Lackersteen
(d) Mr. Chesterton

15. What does Mrs. Lackersteen imply to Elizabeth?
(a) That Elizabeth should return to England and find work.
(b) That Elizabeth should not marry until she falls in love.
(c) That Elizabeth should get an education.
(d) That Elizabeth should quickly find a husband in Burma.

Short Answer Questions

1. Flory's fear of a confrontation with Ellis is clear because _______________________.

2. More than anything, Flory wishes for _________________________.

3. Flory finally leaves the Club because _____________________.

4. What does Flory realize when he is forced to return to Burma?

5. Why is Flory not allowed to return to England?

(see the answer keys)

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