Burmese Days Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burmese Days Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 15, 16, and 17.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. U Po Kyin keeps up his reputation as an impartial magistrate by _______________________________.
(a) accepting bribes only from Englishmen.
(b) accepting bribes from both sides, then ruling on behalf of both.
(c) accepting bribes only from those in whose favor he plans to rule.
(d) accepting bribes from both sides, then ruling as he sees fit.

2. Ma Hla May complains because _____________________________.
(a) Flory has sent her back to her parents.
(b) Flory has demanded she has no other lovers.
(c) Flory no longer buys her presents.
(d) Flory lets Ko S'la treat her rudely.

3. Who walks home with the Lackersteens at the end of the evening?
(a) Ellis
(b) Macgregor
(c) Westfield
(d) Flory

4. Ellis confronts Macgregor because _______________________.
(a) he wants Macgregor to apologize for his notice.
(b) he is unhappy with the service at the Club.
(c) he wants Flory denounced publicly.
(d) he does not want non-whites admitted to the Club.

5. Why does Flory not recognize Elizabeth's discomfort at the bazaar?
(a) He is caught up in the noise and the crowd.
(b) Elizabeth refuses to speak to him.
(c) He sees her interest in the Burmese people.
(d) He is busy buying his groceries.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are Francis and Samuel?

2. What does Flory realize when he is forced to return to Burma?

3. Whose arrival confirms Veraswami's views about the Burmese?

4. Flory's attitude toward his mistress is ____________________________.

5. Mrs. Lackersteen complains about the quality of ______________.

(see the answer key)

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