Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Barry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Barry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The term "reification" was used in Karl Marx's major work ________, and it concerned the way, when capitalist goals and questions of profit and loss are paramount, workers are bereft of their full humanity and are though of as "hands" or "the labor force."
(a) Das Kapital.
(b) The German Ideology.
(c) The Poverty of Philosophy.
(d) The Communist Manifesto.

2. Barry structures the work of Genette on a range of ________ questions to detail the process of telling.
(a) Nine.
(b) Four.
(c) Six.
(d) Two.

3. Which of the following people broke away from feminism and made new allegiances, in particular, with gay men rather than with other women?
(a) Bonnie Zimmerman.
(b) Muriel Spark.
(c) Paulina Palmer.
(d) Anne Koedt.

4. Which of the following two writers were stigmatized as exemplars of "bourgeois decadence"?
(a) Aesop and Aeschylus.
(b) Proust and Joyce.
(c) Aristotle and Plato.
(d) Jane Austen and Stephanie Meyers.

5. According to the chapter titled "Postcolonial Criticism," in its earliest phase, post-colonial criticism took as its main subject matter ________ representations of colonial countries and criticized these for their limitations and their bias.
(a) White.
(b) Black.
(c) Gray.
(d) Red.

6. According to the chapter "Narratology," Russian formalist Vladimir Propp identified how many actions in a tale with seven spheres of action to animate?
(a) 31.
(b) 63.
(c) 23.
(d) 13.

7. According to the narrator, post-colonial criticism gained currency through the influence of all the following books except for which one?
(a) Nation and Narration.
(b) The Studs Lonigan Trilogy.
(c) The Empire Writes Back.
(d) In Other Worlds.

8. Ecocritics expand literary practice to emphasize factual writing with ________ work like travel writing and regional literature.
(a) Pseudostatements.
(b) Topographical.
(c) Surrealism.
(d) Recuperation.

9. According to Peter Barry in the chapter titled "Postcolonial Criticism," Frantz Fanon was a ________ from Martinique.
(a) Podiatrist.
(b) Psychiatrist.
(c) Paleontologist.
(d) Cardiologist.

10. Which of the following essays is an example of new historicism in practice written by Louis Montrose?
(a) Heart of Darkness.
(b) Lord of the Flies.
(c) The Sun Also Rises.
(d) A Midsummer Night's Dream.

11. The gist of "Style in Language," edited by ________, is to claim that linguistics offers a more objective way of studying literature, and the book tends to set up "a confrontation of camps" between literary and language studies.
(a) Chaucer.
(b) Sebeok.
(c) Wiley.
(d) Fowler.

12. The narrator details that ________ believed that some speech was reported while other speech was mimetic, transposed, or narratized.
(a) Galileo Galilei.
(b) Aristotle.
(c) Genette.
(d) Plato.

13. According to Peter Barry at the beginning of the book "Beginning Theory," many of the chapters in the book were based on material Barry has used in the "Introduction to Literature" courses at what university?
(a) FSU.
(b) ASU.
(c) LSU.
(d) TSU.

14. The narrator explains that narratology studies how narratives, or stories, creates ________.
(a) History.
(b) Meaning.
(c) Icons.
(d) Money.

15. Who argued the fluidity of identity, including sexual identity in their highly influential "Epistemology of the Closet"?
(a) Judith Butler.
(b) Rock Meyer.
(c) Eve Sedgwick.
(d) Diana Fuss.

Short Answer Questions

1. A poem of which author is provided by Peter Barry as an example of ecocriticism?

2. What is thecritical approach which uses the methods and findings of the science of linguistics in the analysis of literary texts?

3. Dollimore and Sinfield defined the term "Political Shakespeare" as designating a critical method which has ________ characteristics.

4. What was the name of the American journal that was considered the "house magazine" of the new historicism?

5. The narrator explains that those abroad who were sympathetic to the ideas of Communism tried to follow the ________ on matters where an official Party policy existed, hence the international influence of the Leninist views.

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