Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Peter Barry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Peter Barry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Stylistics.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the chapter titled "Feminist Criticism," which group did author Peter Barry say maintained a major interest in traditional critical concepts like theme, motif, and characterization?
(a) The Native Americans.
(b) The African Americans.
(c) The American Indians.
(d) The Anglo-Americans.

2. What is the name of the early nineteenth-century American writer who received considerable attention from both structuralists and post-structuralists?
(a) Mark Twain.
(b) Victor Hugo.
(c) Edgar Allan Poe.
(d) Washington Irving.

3. Who wrote the following statement, which is found in the chapter "Postcolonial Criticism": "We cannot easily say that since Mansfield Park is a novel, its affiliations with a particularly sordid history are irrelevant or transcended, not only because it is irresponsible to say that, but because we know too much to say so with bad faith"?
(a) Freud.
(b) Gates.
(c) Said.
(d) Marx.

4. Who does the narrator say was the founder of a method of studying English which is still the norm today?
(a) Ralph Waldo Emerson.
(b) I.A. Richards.
(c) T.S. Eliot.
(d) Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

5. The narrator explains in the Introduction that the emphasis on practice means that this is what form of book?
(a) Manuscript.
(b) E-book.
(c) Work book.
(d) Missal.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who said the following quote found in the chapter titled Theory Before Theory--Liberal Humanism: "We are told that the study of literature 'cultivates the taste, educates the sympathies and enlarges the mind'"?

2. According to Marxist literary criticism, what term is best defined as an outlook, values, tacit assumptions, half-realized allegiances, etc. and having a major bearing on what is written by a member of a social class?

3. The chapter "Stylistics" states that the stop-start quality can be removed and cohesion achieved by what linguists call "pronominalization," using ________.

4. In the chapter titled Structuralism, the narrator explains that ________ applied the structuralism method to the general field of modern culture.

5. What was the term used in the Introduction that is defined as the science of signs?

(see the answer key)

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