Beastly Movie Tie-in Edition Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beastly Movie Tie-in Edition Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Kyle refuse to face Magda at dinner?
(a) He is angry at her for suggesting the garden.
(b) He is embarrassed about the roses.
(c) He does not want to have to look at a servant while he eats.
(d) He is embarrassed because he is falling in love with her.

2. How do people react to Adrian in the subway?
(a) They are afraid of him and try to push him onto the tracks.
(b) They ignore him.
(c) They accept him for who he is.
(d) They run from him.

3. Where was Linda going the night she was mugged?
(a) To find Adrian's house.
(b) To find her father.
(c) To run away.
(d) To see her boyfriend.

4. How does Adrian feel about Linda's refusal to come out of her room?
(a) He feels relieved.
(b) He doesn't care.
(c) He feels hurt and lonely.
(d) He feels frustrated.

5. What happens to Grizzlyguy in the prelude to Part 5?
(a) He has accidentally killed someone.
(b) He has been shot.
(c) He has broken his curse.
(d) He has moved in with two girls.

6. How does Adrian feel when Lindy tells him about her crush on Kyle?
(a) He is angry that she didn't tell him the night he gave her the rose.
(b) He feels upset that she liked the old him for his looks but can't love him as he is now.
(c) He is worried that she would prefer him the way he was before.
(d) He is glad that she liked him, as it gives him a better chance of getting her to love him now.

7. What did Magda do before she came to the United States?
(a) She was a teacher.
(b) She was a farmer.
(c) She was a dancer.
(d) She was unemployed.

8. What choice is Linda given?
(a) She can either love Adrian or not, but she must stay.
(b) She can either stay or go, but if she stays Will will turn her father's break in tape in and have him arrested.
(c) She can stay or go, but if she goes, Will will turn in her father's break in tape and have him arrested.
(d) She can either give her father's drugs back or not.

9. Where do they go for the winter?
(a) To the south where it is warmer.
(b) Kyle's father's cabin in the country.
(c) The Alps.
(d) To the city.

10. What do Will and Kyle plant in the garden?
(a) Lilies.
(b) Roses.
(c) Oats.
(d) Hibiscus.

11. How does Linda feel about her life so far?
(a) She feels that she has always been in jail.
(b) She feels like her life has been a lie.
(c) She feels that her life has been great up until now.
(d) She feels like her life had no meaning.

12. How does Adrian feel about Lindy being gone so long?
(a) He is worried that she will not return to him.
(b) He is upset that she didn't tell him how long she would be gone.
(c) He wishes that she would just stay gone.
(d) He is glad that she is gone.

13. How does Kendra agree to help Will and Magda?
(a) Without magic.
(b) By praying for them.
(c) By granting wishes.
(d) As a condition to Kyle's curse.

14. How does Linda feel about her time with Adrian?
(a) She has been sad.
(b) She has been happy.
(c) She has been kept against her will.
(d) She has been bored.

15. What do Linda and Adrian do after the thunder wakes them up?
(a) They go back to sleep.
(b) They go outside to watch the rain.
(c) They make out.
(d) They watch TV and talk.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Adrian want to get a head start on their tutoring session?

2. What does Adrian decide to do about Linda?

3. A year after he is cursed, how does Kyle/Adrian feel about it?

4. Why will Linda not come out of her room?

5. What does Linda do when Adrian tells her she is beautiful?

(see the answer keys)

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