Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women Test | Final Test - Medium

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Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 221 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Faludi identified which of the following books as the most widely quoted and influential feminist work in the 1980s?
(a) Ms. Still.
(b) Sex and Destiny.
(c) In a Different Voice.
(d) Sexual Personae.

2. Which book shows Reagan's influence in criticizing the welfare state and pushing volunteerism and individual responsibility?
(a) In a Different Voice.
(b) The Second Stage.
(c) The Feminine Mystique.
(d) No answers are correct.

3. Faludi claims that Robin Norwood stops making speeches, divorces, and withdraws into a "shell-like existence" after which of the following events?
(a) She realizes she is unable to have a baby.
(b) She finds that her recovery by marrying the "right" man is short-lived.
(c) She claims that she is unable to escape the feminist movement.
(d) She is unable to command large crowds at events.

4. To gain support for the anti-abortion backlash, the media frame the struggle as:
(a) A moral and biological debate over when life begins.
(b) No answers are correct.
(c) A parental debate over maternal versus paternal rights.
(d) A moral and biological debate between mothers versus fetuses' rights.

5. In 1987 what percent of single women accept bearing and raising children outside wedlock?
(a) 55 percent.
(b) 90 percent.
(c) 29 percent.
(d) 87 percent.

Short Answer Questions

1. Beverly LaHaye founds Concerned Women for America (CWA); her husband Tim LaHaye is co-founder of which organization?

2. Part 3, "Origins of a Reaction: Backlash Movers, Shakers, and Thinkers," begins by looking at "The Politics of Resentment: The ___________ War on Women."

3. Select the woman who becomes a popular Christian speaker and broadcaster, and in 1978 publishes The Spirit-Controlled Woman, calling on fundamentalist women to overcome passivity and develop a public voice--all by and for Jesus.

4. Which of the following two individuals does Faludi highlight as being unmarried while preaching that women should marry?

5. Both Susan and Stephen Price claim to be ___________ in a ___________ age.

Short Essay Questions

1. Briefly chronicle George Gilder's career in the feminist movement.

2. Faludi writes that many fundamentalist preachers fear feminism because it threatens their status. Identify and explain the reasons she gives for this fear.

3. In her tone and word use, Faludi defends Carol Gilligan as an unlucky researcher whose work is misused to support the backlash. Give three examples of where Faludi's tone or word use convey this message.

4. Summarize the case of Angela Carder.

5. Recount the backlash's efforts to eliminate the effectiveness of the Women's Educational Equity Act.

6. The media is highlighted as a field in which women see some of the worst progress. What evidence does Faludi use to support her claim?

7. Discuss at least two of the implications of the fetal protection movement.

8. In their advice manuals, Smart Women/Foolish Choices and Women Men Love/Women Men Leave, Melvin Kinder and Connell Cowan provide advice that is harmful to women. Give some examples of this advice and why it is harmful to women?

9. The press touts a shrinking pay gap and decreasing discrimination for women in white-collar positions. According to Faludi, however, this is not the case. Explain the evidence Faludi presents to refute the presses claims.

10. Describe the ways in which Poet Robert Bly affects the feminist movement.

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