Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women Test | Final Test - Easy

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Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 221 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Faludi, surveys show which of the following types of women ranking highest in mental health?
(a) Homemakers.
(b) Professionals.
(c) Students.
(d) Mothers.

2. Women's progress in the military falls after the Carter administration had ushered in a _______________ growth rate.
(a) Undocumented but noteworthy.
(b) Small.
(c) 800%.
(d) Marginal.

3. Faludi identified which of the following books as the most widely quoted and influential feminist work in the 1980s?
(a) In a Different Voice.
(b) Sex and Destiny.
(c) Ms. Still.
(d) Sexual Personae.

4. What is the purpose of the Hyde amendment?
(a) To block federal funding of abortions.
(b) To require a husband's consent prior to an abortion.
(c) To end legalized abortion.
(d) All answers are correct.

5. All of the following are listed for reasons for newspapers cutting available jobs except:
(a) Declining circulation.
(b) Mergers.
(c) Falling ad lineage.
(d) Unchanging market share.

6. Which of the following occur following Reagan's second term in office?
(a) A greater number of conservative women begin to support the Democratic candidates.
(b) No answers are correct.
(c) The New Right criticizes Reagan for not supporting its agenda more strongly during his first term.
(d) The number of female appointments drops below the level achieved during Reagan's first term.

7. Who was the author of the book, Closed: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion?
(a) Randall Terry.
(b) Emmet Sullivan.
(c) Joseph Scheidler.
(d) John Willke.

8. In 1984, who is the highest-placed woman in the New Right?
(a) Beverly LaHaye.
(b) Faith Whittlesey.
(c) Connaught ("Connie") Marshner.
(d) Phyllis Schlafly.

9. In the 1980s, Faludi makes the point that women are marginalized and can ask for childcare and parental leave only if they forego seeking all of the following except:
(a) Educational opportunity.
(b) Reproductive freedom.
(c) Health care.
(d) Equal pay.

10. Sylvia Ann Hewlett worked at which university?
(a) Yeshiva University.
(b) No answers are correct.
(c) Cornell.
(d) Barnard College.

11. According to Faludi, rather than helping women to overcome the problems with misogyny, the book If I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? suggests that women can be happy only if they do all of the following EXCEPT:
(a) Learn to compromise.
(b) Strive to be self-fulfilled.
(c) Stop trying to make men change.
(d) Postpone careers until children are grown.

12. What is Carol Gilligan's criticism of Lawrence Kohlberg's six-stage ladder?
(a) The samples used are not sufficiently representative.
(b) The data does not support the anti-feminist conclusions he made.
(c) It is skewed to male bases for moral judgments.
(d) Education and class are what actually determines moral judgement.

13. According to Faludi what is the greatest fear of suffrage opponents in the 1910s?
(a) The creation of a "feminist party."
(b) Political indifference by women.
(c) Smaller household sizes among the middle class.
(d) The decline of morality in society.

14. By ignoring women's issues in his acceptance speech, which presidential candidate sees his twenty-four percent gender gap decease to only eight percent by Election Day?
(a) George Bush.
(b) Ronald Reagan.
(c) Michael Dukakis.
(d) Jimmy Carter.

15. Which author uses fairy tales to generalize about men and women without offending anyone?
(a) Allan Bloom.
(b) Sylvia Ann Hewlett.
(c) Robert Bly.
(d) Betty Friedan.

Short Answer Questions

1. Paul Weyrich is defined by Faludi as all the following EXCEPT:

2. Which backlash proponent calls himself "America's Number-One Anti-feminist"?

3. NBC and ABC use which of the following to undercut women's efforts to organize?

4. Beverly LaHaye founds Concerned Women for America (CWA); her husband Tim LaHaye is co-founder of which organization?

5. Which book blames women for depleting men of "vim and vigor"?

(see the answer keys)

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