After Tupac and D Foster Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

After Tupac and D Foster Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Tupac do while he was in jail?
(a) Play basketball for the prison team.
(b) Get a college degree.
(c) Release an album.
(d) Write a book.

2. What does the narrator wonder about Tupac and the song about Brenda?
(a) If Tupac was found in a garbage can.
(b) If Tupac was the father of the baby.
(c) If Tupac was thinking of his own mother.
(d) She doesn't really connect his personal life with the song.

3. How did Jayjones get his nickname?
(a) From his mother.
(b) He made it up himself.
(c) From his father.
(d) From his ball t-shirt.

4. Why might the boys like D better than Neeka or the narrator?
(a) D knows how to flirt better.
(b) D is the new girl on the block.
(c) D has more freedom than the other two.
(d) D is maturing physically faster.

5. What is D's biggest dream?
(a) She will go to college.
(b) She will marry a wealthy man.
(c) She will become a movie star.
(d) Her biological mother will come for her.

6. In Chapter 1, to where does the narrator flashback?
(a) To the summer of 1995.
(b) To the winter of 1994.
(c) To the spring of 1993.
(d) To the summer of 1994.

7. What is the narrator's mother like?
(a) A drug addict.
(b) Nice enough but standoffish.
(c) An alcoholic.
(d) Loving but is mostly gone.

8. Why are the narrator and Neeka jealous of D right off?
(a) Her coppery hair.
(b) Her large family.
(c) Her freedom to roam the city.
(d) Her clothes.

9. For what does D envy Neeka?
(a) Her athletic ability.
(b) Her close, loving family.
(c) Her intelligence and good grades.
(d) Her good looks.

10. How do the narrator and Neeka know each other?
(a) They live across the hall from each other.
(b) Even though they live a few miles from each other they go to the same school.
(c) They live on the same block.
(d) Their mothers went to school together.

11. About what does Neeka tease D when D returns in a few days with a jump rope?
(a) About having a lot of brothers.
(b) About hanging out with the narrator.
(c) About liking her only so she can jump rope.
(d) About being an only child.

12. How does D feel about her mother?
(a) She has no feelings about her.
(b) She doesn't know her mother.
(c) She hates her.
(d) She admires her.

13. What does D say to Neeka and the narrator when they meet and they ask about her family?
(a) She is an only child.
(b) She has one brother and one sister.
(c) She has two brothers.
(d) She has four brothers and a sister.

14. What racial heritage is D?
(a) Mixed.
(b) Caucasian.
(c) Black.
(d) Hispanic.

15. How does Neeka's mother feel about D when she first meets her?
(a) Compassionate.
(b) Indifferent.
(c) Suspicious.
(d) Motherly.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was Tupac's mother when she was pregnant with him?

2. What does Jayjones tell D about pretty girls and eating?

3. Why does D obey her foster mother?

4. What does D think one needs to find in life?

5. To what famous group did Tupac's mother belong?

(see the answer keys)

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