A Year Down Yonder Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Year Down Yonder Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mary Alice has to share a desk with whom?
(a) Carleen.
(b) Mildred.
(c) Ina Rae.
(d) Augie.

2. Her desk mate dubs Mary Alice the "rich Chicago girl." Why?
(a) Mary Alice is even more poor than she is.
(b) Mary Alice is very rich.
(c) Mary Alice is dressed slightly better than her.
(d) Mary Alice is quiet and comes across as a snob.

3. What is burgoo stew?
(a) A deer stew.
(b) A stew made from scraps of whatever vegetables and trimmings happen to be available.
(c) A beef stew.
(d) A stew made from burgoo.

4. Some ___________ come to the cobhouse and fall over the wire that Grandma strung.
(a) Ghosties.
(b) Hallowers.
(c) Halloweeners.
(d) Halloweenies.

5. It is revealed that a major reason for having the shoot at the Abernathy farm is do what?
(a) Raise money for the NRA.
(b) Raise money for Mrs. Abernathy.
(c) Raise money for the DAR.
(d) Raise money for the school.

6. Grandma intimidates ________________ into paying more for the stew.
(a) The poor.
(b) All who can afford it.
(c) The men.
(d) Everyone.

7. They scramble out of there, leaving behind what?
(a) A flashlight and beer.
(b) A knife and a handsaw.
(c) Candy and cookies.
(d) A cut up can.

8. The next day, Grandma and Mary Alice drag a wagon to the home of farmer ___________.
(a) Old Lady Nyquist.
(b) Old Man Lynquist.
(c) Old Man Nyquist.
(d) Old Lady Lynquist.

9. Grandma dodges Mary Alice's question of what?
(a) Whether or not they should eat pie.
(b) Whether or not they are invited guests.
(c) Whether or not the rest of her class wants treats.
(d) Whether or not they are stealing.

10. For how long does Halloween go on?
(a) Weeks.
(b) Minutes.
(c) Days.
(d) Hours.

11. Grandma comes out of the cobhouse, frightening the boys, and covers the leader in what?
(a) The soup.
(b) The tar.
(c) The sauce.
(d) The glue.

12. After school, how does Mildred follow Mary Alice?
(a) On a horse.
(b) On a bike.
(c) In a car.
(d) On a motorcycle.

13. Who is one of the last to be served?
(a) Carleen.
(b) Mary Alice.
(c) Augie Fluke.
(d) Grandma.

14. Next, Grandma and Mary Alice travel to the _______________ residence.
(a) Pennington's.
(b) Penny's.
(c) Pensingers'.
(d) Peridot's.

15. The narrator tells the reader that her father lost his job and her brother Joey has joined __________.
(a) A union.
(b) A gang.
(c) The military.
(d) The Civilian Conservation Corps.

Short Answer Questions

1. Grandma says Mrs. Abernathy receives money from whom for her son, but it is not enough?

2. The teacher is reading ____________ when Mary Alice enters the class.

3. Why does Grandma do this with the tractor?

4. What does the principal's son's appearance indicate?

5. While Grandma is widely known as an excellent markswoman, she will not be competing. Instead, what does she do?

(see the answer keys)

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