A Short History of Nearly Everything Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Bill Bryson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Short History of Nearly Everything Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Bill Bryson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Chapter 7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Halley believed that once scientists figured out the distance from the sun to the Earth, they could then calculate what?
(a) Distances to other planets.
(b) Weight of Earth.
(c) Weight of the sun.
(d) Distances to distant stars.

2. In a span of just 20 years, the number of known moons in the solar system grew from:
(a) 30 to more than 90.
(b) 10 to more than 25.
(c) 60 to more than 500.
(d) 12 to more than 300.

3. After noticing an unusual phenomenon with uranium salts and a photographic plate, Henri Becquerel asked one of his graduate students to investigate the matter. Who was this student?
(a) Louise Désirée Lorieux.
(b) René Just Haüy.
(c) Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen.
(d) Marie Curie.

4. What did the French Compte de Buffon claim about the New World (the Americas) compared to the known Old World?
(a) Diseases of the New World would be much more deadly than in the Old World.
(b) The New World was much more fertile than the old.
(c) Everything was smaller and inferior in the New World.
(d) Unusual, enormous species would be found in the New World.

5. What are so small that the dot on the letter "i" could hold 5 billion of them?
(a) Protons.
(b) Viruses.
(c) Bacteria.
(d) Quarks.

Short Answer Questions

1. Between 1980 and 2003, how many supernovas did the Reverend Robert Evans of Australia discover using a simple backyard telescope?

2. Had the universe formed just slightly differently:

3. According to the Reverend William Buckland, the biblical reference to "in the beginning" with regards to the formation of Earth could refer to:

4. The British astronomer Martin Rees hypothesizes that there could be an infinite number of what?

5. About how many stars can be seen from Earth using a two-inch telescope?

(see the answer key)

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