A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War Test | Final Test - Hard

William Stephenson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War Test | Final Test - Hard

William Stephenson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who ran their own activities from their Washington embassy?

2. How did the Brits send Bohr a message?

3. Who was transferring large sums of money to Mexico?

4. Who did Roosevelt send to Britain?

5. What did the Nazis begin to do in Denmark?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did the Brits do to even the research race for the atomic bomb?

2. Who did Bohr send out of Denmark with his notes and what happened?

3. Why did Bohr eventually leave Denmark and where does he go?

4. Describe the sinking of the Bismarck a few days later.

5. How were some large corporations in the United States helping the Nazi efforts at world domination?

6. What countries were trying to develop the atomic bomb and which country had the advantage?

7. What was the purpose of operation JUBILEE and what did the Germans think was happening?

8. How did Stevenson stymie money laundering efforts by the Nazis in Mexico?

9. How did Stevenson head off Nazi support in Brazil?

10. Who was Niels Bohr and why are the British interested in him?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Stevenson watched as Germany armed itself and prepared for war while England tried to pacify him. Discuss the following:

1. Why does England continue to try to pacify Hitler as it is obvious Germany is re-arming itself in violation of the agreements at the end of WWI?

2. Do you think England and other European countries should have taken the initiative to stop the Germans from gearing for war?

3. What do you think England could have done differently before Germany's invasion of Austria and then Poland?

Essay Topic 2

Roosevelt had to convince the American public to support England. Supply lines had to remain open, and England needed destroyers and other war equipment. This placed Roosevelt in an awkward position because he was running for re-election and couldn't openly be pro-war. Discuss the following:

1. What does it say about presidential power that Roosevelt could not just hand over money and equipment to England?

2. Do you think Roosevelt should have allowed the upcoming election to influence his public stance on the war? Why or why not?

3. Research the attitude of the people of the United States towards the early part of the war going on in Europe. Did they think it was any of their business? Why or why not? What was the general consensus about entering the war on the side of Great Britain?

Essay Topic 3

King George V makes it clear he will not leave England if the Germans invade and will not collaborate with any German puppet government. Discuss the following:

1. Do you think King George's actions are admirable? Why or why not?

2. Research the monarchs of several other European countries and compare/contrast the actions of three other countries to that of King George in response to the threats from the Germans.

3. How do you think you would have responded as a King/Queen were Hitler to invade your country? Explain fully.

(see the answer keys)

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