A Civil Action Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jonathan Harr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Civil Action Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jonathan Harr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Jan Schlictmann's first job after college?
(a) Life insurance salesman.
(b) Store manager.
(c) Teacher.
(d) Systems analyst.

2. Why does the state environmental department originally come to Woburn in 1979?
(a) To talk to the Town Council.
(b) To test the water in the river.
(c) To check some contaminated waste barrels.
(d) To check the water in Wells G and H.

3. What is barratry?
(a) The bribing of judges.
(b) The solicitation of groundless lawsuits.
(c) The bringing of frivolous lawsuits.
(d) The trying of a case without a jury.

4. Who is Donald Frederico?
(a) The city engineer of Woburn.
(b) One of Cheeseman's young associates.
(c) An EPA regulator.
(d) A Grace Chemical executive.

5. How much does the maple conference table in Schlictmann's office cost?
(a) $150.
(b) $8,000.
(c) $3,500.
(d) $12,000.

Short Answer Questions

1. When do Charles and Anne Anderson move to Woburn?

2. In what part of the pretrial is "voir dire" involved?

3. EPA's issue with the tannery involves what?

4. Who is Tom Neville?

5. How old is the Anderson's son when he was diagnosed with leukemia?

Short Essay Questions

1. Do all three partners in Schlictmann's firm want to take on the Woburn case?

2. What is the status of the Woburn case when Mulligan gave the case to Schlictmann, and why does Mulligan give it to him?

3. Briefly describe how Judge Skinner plans to divide the trial into phases.

4. What is Charles Nesson's initial reaction to the Woburn case?

5. When Anne Anderson begins her own investigation into the leukemia cluster, what is her initial step?

6. Why did Rikki Klieman, a female lawyer, invite Schlictmann to go to Puerto Rico?

7. What other illnesses, in addition to leukemia, do families in East Woburn report in significant numbers?

8. What is the basis of Schlictmann's work at Reed & Mulligan?

9. Why does John J. Riley sell the tannery to Beatrice Foods?

10. What is Jan Schlictmann's first noteworthy case, and how much does he receive as his fee?

(see the answer keys)

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